Tag: personal

  • Practice and the Personal Path

    Practice and the Personal Path

    So what do the psychic realms of function mean personally? We all come to a metaphysical or spiritual practice with our essence as it always was, even if we don’t understand our own nature well and often times we engage the first path we come across. Like the very “spiritual” and popular mysticism, and if…

  • Personal Experience and Belief

    Personal Experience and Belief

    We are overconfident of human independence. Even modern psychological research suggest that it’s a half truth at best.  Then you could delve rationalistically into why that is and why we have what subconscious influences that we do. Does that invalidate spiritual experience and make the ancients foolish?  Maybe they were more expedient and direct in some ways.…

  • Personal Responsibility

    Personal Responsibility

    Hope in this day and age seems a much maligned feeling. Yet we deal with levels of mental illness that have never been known before. Stress related illnesses are our biggest killers, and yet we are admonished to be realistic, be rational. How realistic is it to say that we should be rational first and foremost?…

  • Tantra Personal Practice

    Tantra Personal Practice

    We were warned off of Tantra from someone, and about practising and discovering it for ourselves. That it was dangerous. Well actually any religion is, but fear is a cult dogma and there are those who take the sacred and profane it with ideas of ownership. Saying you must adhere to their guru, and know their…

  • Personal Greater Good

    Personal Greater Good

    In our spiritual darkness class, I like to encourage people to speak freely, but it is not a venue for bashing on anyone or criticizing how they deal with things. I will try to offer only constructive advice and will try to keep it relevant/asked for. Unlike many other spiritual groups, we do not discourage discussion…

  • Personal Elemental Magic

    Personal Elemental Magic

    On a personal level, elemental magick is a great way to clarify problem solving. Every aspect of your reality falls into one or more elemental domains, as do various aspects of your health and personal growth or skill development. So to stick with the four element system for now, every sector of your life could,…

  • Personal Justice

    Personal Justice

    There are two commonly perceived domains of order and therefore justice. The two domains of order are the personal and the natural. These are not necessarily in agreement nor must they necessarily be, not in any absolute sense. Mostly people are aware of personal order. When we feel our personal sense of justice is not…

  • Sharing Personal Information

    Sharing Personal Information

    How well does society understand purpose? I think society has a narrow view of purpose. I agree. It sets its societal purpose according to economic need and security. Does their model allow these things, in fact? The international milieu, rather than selected cultures. There may be exceptions. Some are more effective and successful. On the…

  • Personal Will

    Personal Will

    Sorry I’m late, but it was God’s will. If it was God’s will, then apologies are unneeded. In fact, that is very on topic. We apologise for doing what we want, and we don’t apologise for doing what we don’t want, but which is actually most often the damaging behaviour? When we are “forced” isn’t…

  • Your Personal God

    Your Personal God

    Why am I thinking of the clobber the groundhog game? Because that’s what you do to the heart of your personal God. Will you please describe your personal God for us? What is the ideal you? Full perspective. What is that? Seeing all factors, so understanding in context. Impersonal, sort of heartless. What is it…

  • Living in Congruence with your Personal Values by Mariana Ashley

    Living in Congruence with your Personal Values by Mariana Ashley

    In a nutshell, personal values are traits or qualities that you hold true and believe whole heartedly. They are what define your character. They say who you are and how you would like to be indentified or represented. Personal values are instilled and influenced through a variety of different factors, including your parents, religion and…

  • Personal Presence First

    Personal Presence First

    Where do we find the experience of self? Personally, only within. Experience is what I see mirrored to me in others. I think in ourselves, and in our interactions with others. When we explore our inner nature, do we discover an alien being? Alien as in foreign? My point is that you find the truest…

  • Personal Core

    Personal Core

    In Buddhist practice, you learn that there is no “I” you can point at. Your “I” is in the space to experience. And that gets us right down to the personal core of personality. We are not bricks in a wall, cells in gods brain, as amusing as the concept might be. We perceive ourself…

  • Personal Orientation of Magick

    Personal Orientation of Magick

    Today we are talking about black magick. Everybody knows about the concept, and everybody seems to have a different idea of what it is and what it is about. What are your thoughts on black magick? You mean as a practicing witch? Certainly, if that is your point of view. White/ black/ red/ gray magic,…

  • Our Personal Composition

    Our Personal Composition

    How is it we don’t all change dramatically with every little shift of events? You are given a brush and pallete full of paints and a canvas. Why don’t you just become a painter? We are told we can’t paint or I’ve told myself I can’t paint. Yes. There is outside influence, and there is…

  • Personal Rules

    Personal Rules

    So how do we discern our rules? Well, strange thing is, you still play by them. You actually can’t stop playing by them. It’s interesting to see the way in which people make decisions inworld (Second Life) in this very freeing place where people can tap into their core being, but where so much social…

  • Design Your Personal Ritual

    Design Your Personal Ritual

    How do I activate the third eye to use gold magick? How do you activate the third eye or how do you use gold magick? They are not necessarily the same thing. First, how do you use gold magick? Gold magick is primarily ritual magick. Originally, the rites of gold magick were solar veneration rites,…

  • Defrag Your Personal Observer

    Defrag Your Personal Observer

    Math is rhythms, emotion is rhythms, more complicated than most mathematical models would allow, but quantum modeling comes close. Science seeks to bend the behavior of nature through a process of contagion. Rather than deal with the system as a whole, they try to dictate its behavior through altering parts. They practice a sort of…