Category: Health

What is Disease?


What is disease?


Disease is what makes us unbalanced and therefor ill.

Any other definitions?

Disease is defined as any abnormality of the body, which arguably is any abnormality of experience. So now I must ask, how normal is your day to day experience?

I ponder “normal” and feel I pass that by, pretty much.

My tummy gives me daily trouble, that doesn’t feel normal or maybe it is starting to feel normal.

I guess if normal is in comparison to others it’s not the same.

Disease conditions can indeed begin to resemble your norm. That being true, how do we recognize anything as being the norm for our body and experience. Where did it start?

As Commander Data used to say…operating within established parameters. Course they thought Data was most ill when he acted more human. Getting angry, for instance.

What establishes our parameters. Is there anything that does this?

I’ve noticed since my attack of paralysis, that ‘normal’ occurs when the sensation is not intruding on my awareness.

So any attention getting stimuli would be disease? Thoughts would be disease?

Disease gets our attention but other things do too.

Doctors could be concerned if any personality or thinking shift occurs as it could indicate disease. Indeed. It was a big concern while my wife was in the hospital. She showed no such changes though.

What differentiates disease signals from other signals? Well, like a computer virus, it seems to have no other purpose but to make the machine not function as we want it to.

Discomfort can be part of disease.

How many of our functions behave as we want them to, as we intend for them to? Is hunger comfortable? Fatigue?

No. Pain tells us to pay attention.

Does anything other than pain tell us to pay attention?

It keeps us from functioning properly.

How do we know when we are functioning properly?

We’re going in a circle, aren’t we?

Without pain your hand would not let go of the hot pan maybe.

I notice I’m doing a lot of devil’s advocacy.

Life is a circle.

The distinction perhaps can’t be made? Does this question make sense?

Many live with disease and don’t know anything is wrong. I’ve noticed I may not know I’m ill until after I feel better and can compare sensation and functionality. So maybe distinction is in comparison and preference.

I don’t notice a sunburn until hours after I’ve come inside out of the sun.

Often, I don’t realize someone has insulted me until days later.

Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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