Tag: ignorance

  • Tame Ignorance

    Tame Ignorance

    What makes people debunk hidden knowledge is that they see it has sensory corollaries, and they are totally right it does. But there seems to be an issue of context when perception is so broad. Context meaning where they got it from? Any information you get has the stamp of its source. It’s environmental footprint,…

  • Pattern Of Ignorance

    Pattern Of Ignorance

    Today’s topic is ignorance, but an observation about IQ might help the time issue as relates to this topic. IQ tests are only valid if anyone given sufficient time can answer all the questions correctly. Ignorance works like that. We need that attenuation of our perception, but given time we can become aware of all…

  • Is Ignorance Bliss?

    Is Ignorance Bliss?

    Is ignorance in any way bliss? Recognition of human nature and acceptance of it is bliss. Ignorance is like our mental fingerprint, we all have one and the pattern is different for each person. Knowing this, and allowing for it in your judgements, can lead to a genuinely blissful state. Knowing you have hands is…

  • Reverse The Course Of Ignorance

    Reverse The Course Of Ignorance

    The story of humanities exile from Eden is reflected in the Kabbalah. In the primal state, humanity existed in a way that was little differentiated from nature. Supreme harmony if you can envision it, but with the awakening to a discriminating mind, man began a descent into lower states of mind and thus also literal…

  • Ignorance is Sleep

    Ignorance is Sleep

    The brain can read more in its own make-up than science is giving it credit for. It seeks more than just to be content with a social paradigm, a consistent consensus reality, and it moves us sometimes not just to learn something new, but to reconnect with the original drive that brought it into its…