Category: Distress

Access to Core Consciousness


My last post was a lot of preamble, but my point is, my personal insight is, that you have ready access to your genuine core consciousness in your hypnagogic state. In your instinctive reactions when your conscious mind is not generating static, when you aren’t just consuming and regurgitating the same old meaningless anxieties, this state, this state of conscious abandon, ecstatic release, this moment of lucidity in the torture of so called understanding, is often most easily reached in states of pain, fear, stress. People seek out ultimately distressing experiences, extreme sports, stress building jobs, distressing relationships, because for lack of anything better, these come as close as they can get to contact with that core state of mind. They don’t have to do it that way, but does society give them any other choice?

Would meditation work? Sex, drugs, and rock and roll? Meditation itself induces the hypnagogic state. Couple that with the deprivations of extreme asceticism, and ancient mystics may have experienced a clarity that perhaps seemed impossible to achieve any other way. Meditation can indeed work, as can sensory isolation, as has been experienced in laboratory conditions, as well as the traditional practice of isolating oneself in the wilderness, and especially in caves.

Ah, like when biblical figures would go into the desert to find god. Indeed. There were of course some flaws in traditional thinking, especially those in otherwise “civilized” nations. They even selected material that would support magnetic induction similar to what they are now experimenting with in laboratories. Trans-cranial magnetic stimulation is proving to have remarkable properties and potential, and this was which culture that used magnetic rocks in their sacred structures?

My wife had the chance of visiting old facilities such as these in South America. What was it like?

Very powerful places. Inca.

Understanding is not to be had by avoiding desire or suppressing it, as uncomfortable as letting it emerge might be.

The places were a bit difficult to be in, there was so much power. That power built up over time. As much as it was stored in those stones, it was generated by the human beings that used them. A manifestation of the power possible to those who don’t shy away from the fearful spirit, the frightening face of the universal. We cannot begin to use our authentic potential until we first contact it, realize its presence and behaviour in our life even despite our efforts to supposedly control it.

Distress is discipline. Discipline is a false notion arrived at by subscribing to a formulaic train of thought that offers the promise to enable expression of your fullest potential. Speaking to the disciplined people in our group here, any luck with that?

Discipline as today’s society teaches it serves to make you obedient and keep your attention trained on the cues or commands that lock in your conditioning and keeps you distracted from those feelings, those now subtle sensations that are in fact your genuine personal vision, your authentic life wisdom.

Have I described and explored the relationship between desire and distress adequately? You will always feel that you can’t cope, that you can’t adapt when you reject and ignore your natural intuitions, your organic, authentic insights into your own strengths and weaknesses and needs. As long as you’re trying to apply an artificial standard of thought, a substitute understanding, you will experience a sense of distress, a gut level weakening, the sense that you are at least a little bit lost, that your efforts and activity are at least a little bit fake.

Let go and feel. Be before thinking about things instead of trying to think it all out before you give yourself permission to ever be.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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