Degree of Deviation


Everything in our environment takes its cues from everything else. Organisms take their traits and shape in part from physical and environmental forces acting on them.

Yes, that’s how the eye’s physiology came about… the interaction processes.

There is DNA information in the seed, to be sure. Actually, there is information in the atom that bonds to the DNA, and information that lead that atom to be present in relative orientation to other atoms to bond in such a way as to amount to a DNA molecule.

So is it at all strange to think that our “imaginary” patterns have as much basis in reality as our physical perception?

I’m reminded of the idea that if you can imagine it, you can create it.

Imagination is basic and essential to perception, I feel. How else would we recognize anything?

I offer that what makes someone obviously delusional, is not that they react to imaginary things, but that their domain of imagination has been morphed beyond organic congruity. It gets twisted by an effort to edit the range of imaginings that they engage in.

Well, we “imagine” that something is similar to something else. I can create a mountain out of a molehill. You can tie a flexible branch on a tree so that it is bent out of place without breaking it, and in time the growth pattern of that tree will be permanently changed. How would the mind be any different?

Edit the range so they actually imagine less and therefore confuse it with reality? Yes, usually showing signs of excessive social inference. They imagine everything as being somehow relevant to their self-image.

Isn’t education – as we have experienced it – all about “editing the range”? Good point.

I ponder “As the tree is bent. . . “ And that bound tree branch example isn’t automatically a bad thing. If the degree of deviation is not so much as to put it meaningfully out of alignment with the supportive energies the tree depends on, the bent branch just becomes a notable trait, a quirk that distinguishes that tree from another but has no real impact on its well-being.

It’s an art with the Bonsai trees.

Yes, so long as the bending of the branch/twig is within the tree’s limits.

Now it is possible to take that process too far. Bend all the branches, or even just a significant majority of the branches, and the tree will sicken, dwarf, even die. Is this not so?

It’s easy for an amateur to kill a bonsai tree.

Yes, or you can plant a seed too deep or put the onion seed in upside down and too deep. How would it be any different for the human mind?

There is a great insistence that people be in touch with reality, the “real world” and “real life”, and if we knew what that was then it would be perfectly good advice. If we knew what these things were, then wouldn’t our psychological well-being as individuals and societies be allowing us to thrive?

The phenomenon of “green thumb” suggests that something else is going on besides the mere planting or trimming, etc.

The person saying it really means that they want you to believe what they believe.

Yes, “reality” is a sort of agreement, I suppose.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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