Category: Daemons

Devas And Daemons


Humans disagree on which parties activities are more upsetting, the devas or the daemons. Aesir or Vanir. These are the same two parties but two different cultures. Even the Titans versus the Gods in Greek myth. Same two parties, but the Norse is perhaps the easiest model to use.

The Aesir were the inspiring divinities. The spirit heroes and embodiments of human ideals, and also creatures capable of showing human foibles. Part of why they were destined for Ragnarok.

The Vanir were more otherworldly creatures, more inhuman, and were more concerned with natural places and systems than human states of being. Even to the point of attacking human beings sometimes as they could be provoked.

The Aesir eventually taught humanity to use their psychic abilities to screen out the Vanir’s influence as it became reflexive for humans to attack Vanir. This is why daemons/vanir are so typically hostile these days. The same happened in the middle east. The magi originally engaged in observances required by the “lower beings”, but the prophet Zoroaster discovered a way that these beings could be ignored and even subjugated.

Ah, so it’s like leftovers of a war between humans and daemons. Yes. This is why humanity used to be capable of things even technologically that are mysterious to us in this day and age.

So the summoning of daemons is possible? It is possible yes, but it doesn’t work like human beings think it does. It would be like taunting a mugger in a dark alley. This is why in the rare cases of daemonic contact, the daemon is so argumentative. To the daemonic point of view, humans are morally bankrupt, and many of them see humans as beneath contempt. So if the confrontation works like the human expects it to, it’s because the daemon gives up in disgust. They see spiritual contact with humans like mud wrestling pigs, demeaning to the daemon and the human likes it. This makes them feel strong and self righteous. It is why they often report laughter when the priest gloats after the success.

I’m sure the devas would feel the same way if we could get power over them. Oh, the devas don’t deign to fraternize with humans directly. This is one of the things they judge daemons for. Association with humans directly is like trying to talk politics with a chimp. It just wants the freaking raisins, so they give it its little psychic reward for obeying its programming and move on.

We act like puppies on a leash with the devas. Yes. Dart about randomly with the idea that you will get the ever elusive squirrels, but are kept safe by the passive restraint.

And bark viciously like we’re big and bad. Yes, which the devas think is cute.

Can daemons and devas lie to each other? Yes, but they don’t do it well. They lack a grasp of the human context, and are mostly disinclined to even bother.

I figure lying requires a lack of higher knowledge so if you can see the big picture it‘s hard to be lied to. Actually, it requires a willingness to indulge a lower knowledge.

Can they read each other’s minds? They can, because reading the others mind is the same as being in the other daemons space.

So lying is pointless? Actually, not entirely pointless. They aren’t all on the same page, and not all are creatures of the same roots.

The daemons evolutionary diversity varies to a degree human beings would find mind boggling. Just as chimps are more genetically diverse than humans are, daemons differ from each other in their fundamental natures often a great deal. There are even daemonic equivalents of animals. This is what Shamans intuit when they talk about animals sharing the same spirit. They don’t literally, but they do share an ancestry from the primal example of their kind. This is why we have myths like hell hounds and Cerberus as well as some types of dragon.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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