Category: Cognitive Bias

Fabric of Consciousness


So in short, there is a fabric of consciousness just as there is of space time. In truth, these two are identical. It’s not smooth. It’s not featureless. It’s not mechanistic. If anything it’s “bubbly”, like blood.

So consciousness is the third dimension to space time? It’s dimension zero, the absolute. Space and time are third and fourth dimensions to it.

Is that a singularity? That is the basic make-up of a singularity, yes.

There are attractors in the fabric on consciousness like gravity wells in space-time? There indeed are. The attractors are “the thoughts of god” so to speak, but in truth these thoughts are not thought.

Aren’t those thoughts in us? Yes. Those patterns are in us, that information. It all forms an operating “language”, the logos, which is a synonym for god.

Because it’s a hologram with all patterns in every piece? Yes, exactly. Yet we have this notion of thought. What is thought?

Energy patterns? It works with energy patterns, but comes after. We aren’t aware of a thought until the energy has already begun taking effect.

The collapse of the energy? It is recognition of the pattern? It is recognition of the pattern. Thought is primal computation. Thought is math running a check sum on the overall body of reality, but the nature of the math is non-heuristic.

They are discovering that any rational model fails at modeling human consciousness, but there is something that can model it and reflects human behavior very well. Ever notice how free form human behavior seems? Do you have the answer for everything? An opinion about everything? Is everything immediately clear?

What successfully models human consciousness is quantum theory. We function according to a matrix of if-then statements. Our behavior is situational looking for if-then cues. Our minds are in constant connection with the world around us.

So, at that level, we’re entirely predictable. Actually, no and yes. It’s paradoxical, but someone made mention of something he experienced personally. Where when we observe something in a focused and prolonged way we are forced to come to the realization that the thing observed and our own being are connected. Looking up at the moon and sensing that the moon and its behavior are a part of you.

I called that recognition of self-similarity. Perhaps there are deeper “awareness’s” than the conscious ones, and perhaps we can also tap into those. There are and we can.

Now we get to the point of free will, the question of predictability. In a sense, we do not have free will. We cannot choose from more choices than are in fact available. Thus our choices always have situational and behavioral constraints. We cannot act with more information than we are aware of, things like this. So taken all together, your behavior is indeed very predictable.

What you do have is “free won’t.” There is space where the person moves through the absolute, the collective consciousness. Free won’t is what Buddhists refer to as emptiness, sunyata. It’s referencing the working beam of the hologram. What makes a collection of sounds exist as music, and not discordant noise, is the space. Order exists only in the separation between one thing and another. Free won’t, or selectivity, is a natural and vital force, a creative influence, and can orchestrate everything either through direct impact or in time through progressive resonance. It’s why they speak of the spirit of an age. As people begin to change the pattern of the otherwise involuntary broadcast, structure it differently, the entire hologram shifts, and all it takes is a single incidence.

So a paradigm shift is saying ‘no’ to something? Yes.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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