Category: Demonolatry

Insights from Demons


Familiar with Socrates’ demon?

I don’t think I am. Socrates attributed his insights, even foresight, to a presence he encountered in his meditative moments that displayed an insight into events and the world around him that he openly said himself that he did not have. (Even though he would have gained had he laid claim to all that insight. His peers would have seen it as even more legitimate.)

I think maybe my personal demon is anemic. Maybe that’s why I have bad luck. Perhaps, but what Socrates’ demon did for him was provide him with the “proper use instructions” in any given situation, and there are many accounts of similar such insights in Asian culture. The insight never relates directly to what the person wants or expects, always only to the proper order of the situation.

People expect things to go a certain way all the time and strict rationalists refer to a concept called emergent order. They also refer to self organizing systems. These are demons. They do believe that something is served by denying consciousness in these systems, or in these emergent patterns. Many of them are eager to deny consciousness in you as well. Does that seem reasonable?

The demons have been even more busy lately, entered a new work phase, so some very strange things are occurring in the scientific community as well as society at large. The point being though, many of our insights would come easier and faster if we didn’t follow these foolish and empty heuristics – which are proving to be wrong more and more frequently as testing and research has become more and more efficient. Big data is going to be an “industry of the future” because it can encompass patterns that human prejudice and so called logic will reject at every turn, but it isn’t necessary, not even natural to do so.

They are looking at a lot of the advanced math now. Recently, a previously impossible mathematical proof was actually arrived at. It took cloud computing in order for that to be possible. Also recently, despite their foolish”rules” and black and white thinking, they discovered that an ancient and universally spread bit of retrovirus is absolutely necessary for the successful differentiation of stem cells into all the various tissues we need our body to form. This nonsense about the genome being the be all and end all is insane, and they are discovering exactly why.

Hopefully they won’t keep pushing their rules like they have. It can go too far, and demons are just as capable of breaking systems as they are of organizing them. Does this get to the point clearly?

I understand.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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