Category: Demonolatry

Name Your Demon


How do I put my personal demon on steroids? Be a part of it’s system and be mindful of your own. The structure and order around you is not accidental, but if you believe it is (as many if not all people seem to believe), you will choose actions and reactions that create noise and static in that system, jam its signal or voice. It’s like allowing your experience to be a math equation, or a computer program, it’s intelligent, and although you may want it to do one thing, it may very well need to do another.

The point is, your interests are its interests. It just can’t deny the order and patterns that you do. It lives in them, embodies them. To deny that and interfere with it’s own process is like screaming “help me!” and “go hang yourself!!” at the same time. It can’t do it.

Another thing that strengthens the personal demon is contact with other demons. They share information and energy, especially contact with the elder demons, those that are natures keepers. For example, orderly practices like martial arts and yoga also strengthen your personal demons pattern, or can, as long as you let yourself discover the practice rather than trying to hammer the practice into your self image. You don’t do tai chi, tai chi does you, or will if you let it. Does this answer the question?

Yes, thank you.

Perhaps the simplest thing (and if you like science to back this up), talk to it. Name it if you want. They have found that talking to yourself, especially when you aren’t actively thinking and trying to problem solve, does stimulate brain functions that we don’t otherwise consciously track. Talking imparts order to your own ideas as well as strengthening the order of your personal demon.

Yes. You learn more about something when you try to teach it to someone else. If I have to explain something to another person, it forces me to organize those thoughts.

So was any of this helpful, useful, inspiring at all?

Yes. very helpful.

Constructive criticism is very welcome.

Demon-strate to the demons that you understand them. Don’t expect them to understand you, that’s not their job. But like any group of co-workers, if you cut them slack and show them respect, they become much more willing to do the same for you, even doing favours just because they like you.

Oh, where can I get in contact with the elder demons? Elder demons are bigger so wider spread through space time. It’s only lesser demons that are more confined, linked to individual creatures and things. Elder demons maintain bigger parts of the order.

So bigger favours too. Indeed, they do have that potential, bigger favours. It’s harder to get their attention to get those favours, but not impossible. As you can see with those people in our culture who seemed to exceed not because they wanted to or because they were able to, but because the world wanted them to.

Yes, that usually is how it happens. There are even a few hardcore mainstream scientists who remark on that. It’s in the book “Outliers: The Story of Success.” People who succeed to a wild degree and there’s no rational/logical reason why they should have.

They go by many names. This is why in those rare situations when there is a group encounter, the being doesn’t give a single name, but a collection, and doesn’t care which is used. Demons are best known by what they do rather than names or social roles.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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