Category: Gnosis

Life Facets


Does life seem single faceted?

Sometimes, yes.

Not mine.


If it is not singular in it’s face, then how many faces does it have? If it has more than one face, how do we know which one is real?

I’d say the faces are infinite and the one that is real is the one speaking to you.

The one with the most pain is real. Some would deny that emphatically though that is a common view.

Or, the one with the most “authority” is real.

So I must ask, why does pain make something more real?

Because pain exists to protect us.

Pain isn’t always unpleasant.

Perhaps because we sometimes regard the body (and its pains) as more concrete, more literally, more tangible.

Pain is a highly inconsistent phenomenon. My own sense of pain is notably weaker than most. Would that make my reality less real?

Perhaps a different sort of “real.”

In a way, you are more in the ethereal.

I ponder whether I would “give away” my various pains.

Would reality not be evidenced by a strong degree of consistency? Let’s consider two facets for a bit.

There is the way the world is, the seemingly static or at least stable aspect of existence that leads us to believe that there is a world of concrete substance around us. This is a selling point in many multiplayer online games, a persistent world scenario. People are heavily invested in this notion, are they not?

Yes, they are. I keep coming back to Second Life because of my friends.

Does the world around you persist in a continuous and seamless manner?

I go to sleep, experience multiple worlds in dreams, then wake up to a world very similar to the one I went to bed in.

The other facet, is the ideal, and by ideal I mean conceptual, the notion of the world as it maybe could be. This conceptual world seems disconnected from the so called persistent “material” world does it not?

You are referring now to the “ideal world”? Or AN ideal world? No, ideal as in conceptual. Perhaps potential rather than the actual.

Yes, the people are dismissed as dreamers.

Ok, conceptual — a world of thought, idea-made “world.”

Every action taken by a living being has no basis in material reality. There is nothing in the matter of a pet’s body that establishes what it’s reaction to your voice will be. Even in the case of FMRI studies, there is nothing they can look at that will reveal their behaviour in advance. They can only examine actions after the fact. There is no trace of the action before, no substance or organ that by examination would allow prediction of the animal’s behaviour.

That’s like looking for the control in a remote controlled vehicle.

Varies a lot based more on environment.

There is nothing in the human proteome, the pattern of protein sequencing that constructs DNA, RNA and all other material elements of the human form, that can be examined to predict what that person will learn and what choices they will make based on that learning in their future, and we can look no deeper than the proteome and still be looking at the body, living biology. With the potential discovery of tertraquarks we may be wrong about how matter collects and constructs any of the forms we see at all.

This is pretty mechanistic, isn’t it?

Excellent question. What option do we have beside the mechanistic?

Well, if all brain activities are interpreted as … you get what I mean.

I may not. I suspect not. If my condition is accurately described, than I by definition understand things in a hyper systematized way. Any options?

Not at that level, no.

If it’s atoms, molecules, energies, and build on up from that then I’d say that was “mechanistic.”

At what level do we have an option? We seem to have a real world and a potential world.

Would mechanistic be like default?

In that system, there really are no options, unless “freedom” means the physical changing the physical.

All that we create, everything that we change, had no basis in material existence before we established it.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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