Category: Tarot

Major Arcana: Measure of Worth


The star. That is Aquarius. Your impressions?

Temperance pouring out the water? Yes. This is ultimately what we are all following. The mystery behind why we do all the things we do.

The sky takes up almost half the space.


I wonder why the females are always bare breasts. Is that a symbol of mothering? It is, yes. It probably sold more cards too. Actually, cards were rarely sold. A lot of these decks were hand crafted, back then at least, and passed around as gifts.

Star Major Arcana

All of these seem to be in the desert. Perhaps considered more spiritual? It was. Again, biblical symbolism there.

Is that a bird in the tree? It is, but the bird represents that subtle call forward. That sound in the unseen night urging us to walk on into the mystery.

Were old women often sent to fetch water? Old women, children, young women, male apprentices to blacksmiths, but rarely “able bodied men”. There was some prejudice, but this image is originally of Greek origin, and you are looking at a goddess.

Pouring out the water is lightening your load, putting down your burden? Actually, yes, and it is also the measure of everything’s worth. There is a Taoist saying here, that relates.

The Taoist saying goes like this, or something like. I will paraphrase. Yes, I sell water by this river all day, and my efforts are entirely without merit. This make sense here? It is why she is dumping the water out. Remember I said the star is what we all seek, the ultimate reason we do anything?

No matter what we learn, or what we experience, our lives will remain ultimately a mystery, and it’s this mystery running through the body of the entire world itself, pouring down on us from the sun and moon, that gives our lives meaning. We seek what we ultimately are, and when we find it we pour the water out.

When you find this deep water, it is too heavy to carry. It flows out from you, fills your world. It’s the water they say creation started from, and it is the life blood of our soul as well. The two are the same thing.

When this card comes up in a reading, it symbolizes dealing with what many see as one of life’s most vexing things. The state of, “I do not know.”

Tarot is like a book with an endless number of pages.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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