Sense of the Real
The Dark Shamans lose sight of this reality? I offer you this… Can one be said to lose touch with reality and remain able to actually perceive physical reality? This happens to hermetic adepts too, but not as adherence to the dead, but because of a change in frequency. Indeed, it’s easy to lose balance.…
Spiritual Battle
You hear much about the shamans spirit journeys, but their contact with the spirits was by no means limited to their journey rituals. The spirits would overcome them as well. A spontaneous trance is often heralded by a howling sound, sometimes leading to seizures, but often leading to wild outburst or rampaging violent outbursts. So…
In Tune with Natural and Spiritual
Are you all familiar with shamanism? Life centered magic? Not necessarily life centered, but definitely spirit centered, living or otherwise. In our role-play shamans are primarily healers. Is this the case or do they do more? Oh, they certainly do more though some of it is part of what inspired today’s topic on Dark Shamanism.…
Cycles in Rune Magick
You don’t need to purchase anything strange or expensive to benefit from rune magick. Though you might like to own a nice bit of jewellery or something with your rune on it, you can get the benefits of rune craft from simply doodling the rune on scratch paper or scratching it in the bare earth…
Use of Berkana
Shall we discuss the use of this berkana rune? Well, first you would either create or acquire a rune item to serve as a focus or reminder of your intentions regarding this rune, and while you are using this rune take note of creative thought and impulse in the world around you. Notice the creative…
Meditation by Robert Gresak
I pause in reverence before the gift of Self. The lower vessel shatters, the divine spark shines through and my higher Self becomes a link of the golden chain of divine love. For what we are, we are by sharing, and as we share we move towards the light. We pause in reverence before the…
Rune Symbolism
The symbolism is necessary to understand as we begin to discuss rune magick, but it isn’t sufficient by itself. Rune magick is contemplative rather than ritualistic which is why you rarely hear about it. People prefer collections of things to do rather than things to understand. The significance of all the runes (the word rune…
Rune of Beginnings
Shall we discuss rune magick? The word rune roughly translates as mystery. The reason you don’t hear about rune magick much is it doesn’t provide concrete projects for people to do. It is not related to specific rituals or practices. I intend to cover a number of runes under this topic. This one is berkana,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…