Up With Deliberate Engagement
I am still looking for intra-terrestrial intelligence. My own area of personal concern is meta-terrestrial. It’s what I have been monitoring, earth’s noosphere. Are there transhumanist and humanist debates there? There are, because most mainstream scientists are also humanists. Noosphere? The world has not only a biosphere, but a sphere of consciousness as well. Cyberspace? Cyberspace…
Human Is as Human Does
Would transhumanists be opponents to genetically modified food? They would be opposed to genetically modified food. Part of the concern is that genetically modified food would somehow infect those who eat it. And alter us as well? Yes. Epigenetic shifting was occurring well before we even gained the ability to chemically alter DNA. Nature does it…
Multiple Species of Humanity
Sometimes I think that misfortune is the only thing that humbles people. I could imagine that people with limitless powers would be quite arrogant and self-centered…. That view, I assume, is a humanist one? That is a humanist view, yes. But if we evolve beyond human we will be different in our attitudes. Transhumanism actually goes further…
Broaden Human Rights
In the Bible, weren’t Noah, Moses and others said to have lived for hundreds of years? There are even small fringe sects of Christianity that see transhumanist thought and science as the fulfilment of their vision of the world and humanities relationship with the divine. It would provide more time for moral advancement as they…
Life Extension
There are a good many areas of scientific research of interest to transhumanist philosophers. Transhumanism could be considered one of the more positive forms of scientism, which we are already living with to some degree. Perhaps the most easily considered element of transhumanist thought would be the issue of dying of old age. In selecting…
Human Control of Human Evolution
Is anyone familiar with transhumanism? Are you familiar with humanism? It’s a comparatively modern school of thought, created and supported based on the opinion that old models of human society and values have grown outmoded, or perhaps never actually had much worth to begin with. “Presume not God to scan; the proper study of mankind…
Still Just Communication
We assume alien life is out to destroy earth. If they were, earth would be long gone by now. They have no interest in destroying earth. Many of their technologies use principles and resources that have nothing to do with anything on earth, or our region of phase space either. Strange matter is really very…
Earth’s Neighbour
The advancement agenda’s by-product has been the strange epidemics in non-standard consciousness. Autism perhaps being the most visible. The regressionists are embracing the “survival” of the fittest concept and setting up stress on “alpha” intellects, thus increasingly making things like heart disease the world’s number one killer now. Those who survive will be more “integrated”…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…