Outsiders Point of View
Now I have to get even more wildly metaphorical, unfortunately, but I think it will all make sense. Imagine earth was a website. Everything else online in the internet can more or less freely access the information of earth with some simple guidelines and restrictions, of course. Ok. Well, in order for the internet to…
Causal Interaction Across Phase Space
Now perhaps this level is the best for explaining causal interaction across phase space, shall we? Each parallel earth is its own physical entity just as physical as our own. Why this is possible is that they exist at different phases or states of resonant information from our own. Enough of their physical reality has…
Non-Space Continuum
The core concept behind today’s topic of transdimensional transgression is what is referred to in physics as the observer effect. Just as the planet has undergone a mineral evolution because of the presence of life on and beneath its surface, the surface of emergent space in our world impinges on adjacent regions of what we…
DNA of the Spiritual Realm
In occult lore, characters, alphabets, were the “DNA” of the spiritual realm, revealed rather than invented. There is some loose evidence to support this even in modern science as they continue to study the process of cognition and more specifically “language” in the brain. You can be primed to notice elements of your environment by…
Attune to Higher Realities
Latin and Hebrew are two of the most frequently used languages in occult philosophy, and Cabalism makes deliberate use of cyphers not even necessarily for encryption, but as a way to divine secret meaning from “inspired” passages. Their traditional poetry being the biggest body they draw from, the Book of Solomon, as well as other…
Perhaps we should discuss syncretism as a religious/ philosophical/ metaphysical trend? Syncretism has a long history and transcends cultural boundaries. Monotheism tends to rule it out, but the majority of the world’s religions weren’t originally monotheistic. Like the Egyptian tradition I’ve spoken of before, and like the basis of renaissance occultism in more modern times,…
Theban Cypher
The script known as Theban has no clearly established origin, and little lore directly linked to it by itself. If anything, the history of the Theban script runs parallel to the history of renaissance occultism. It’s typically considered a “cypher” as it has no observable connection to any strictly linguistic script. Its structure runs mostly…
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
What makes people declare that “they didn’t mean it”? Trying to dodge responsibility or else, perhaps, not aware of the internal influences? Not understanding their impact? Why wouldn’t they understand that? Narcissistic? Momentum. Behaving mindlessly? Eep, the zombie apocalypse is already at hand? How would someone survive that? Shotgun. Could you survive the zombie apocalypse simply…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…