Category: Transdimensional Transgression

The core concept behind transdimensional transgression is what is referred to in physics as the observer effect. The surface of emergent space in our world impinges on adjacent regions of what we might call a non-space continuum and the whole process by which human beings think and act creates both gross material changes as well as energetic changes in our environment.

Each parallel earth is its own physical entity just as physical as our own. Why this is possible is that they exist at different phases or states of resonant information from our own.

“Everyone’s quick to blame the alien” Aeschylus (Ancient Greek Dramatist and Playwright, 525 BC-456 BC)

  • Non-Space Continuum

    Non-Space Continuum

    The core concept behind today’s topic of transdimensional transgression is what is referred to in physics as the observer effect. Just as the planet has undergone a mineral evolution because of the presence of life on and beneath its surface, the surface of emergent space in our world impinges on adjacent regions of what we…

  • Causal Interaction Across Phase Space

    Causal Interaction Across Phase Space

    Now perhaps this level is the best for explaining causal interaction across phase space, shall we? Each parallel earth is its own physical entity just as physical as our own. Why this is possible is that they exist at different phases or states of resonant information from our own. Enough of their physical reality has…

  • Outsiders Point of View

    Outsiders Point of View

    Now I have to get even more wildly metaphorical, unfortunately, but I think it will all make sense. Imagine earth was a website. Everything else online in the internet can more or less freely access the information of earth with some simple guidelines and restrictions, of course. Ok. Well, in order for the internet to…

  • Earth’s Neighbour

    Earth’s Neighbour

    The advancement agenda’s by-product has been the strange epidemics in non-standard consciousness. Autism perhaps being the most visible. The regressionists are embracing the “survival” of the fittest concept and setting up stress on “alpha” intellects, thus increasingly making things like heart disease the world’s number one killer now. Those who survive will be more “integrated”…

  • Still Just Communication

    Still Just Communication

    We assume alien life is out to destroy earth. If they were, earth would be long gone by now. They have no interest in destroying earth. Many of their technologies use principles and resources that have nothing to do with anything on earth, or our region of phase space either. Strange matter is really very…