Interacting Fields
You may have heard about the new findings they have been discovering regarding DNA. They have discovered that DNA can be artificially created, and it doesn’t necessarily have to include the chemicals we have in our DNA. This fake DNA even shows behaviour like ours displays, reproduction and evolution. Think of plastic DNA, as this…
Universe Expressing Form
Today, we are talking about something called morphic resonance. Morphic, referring to form. Resonance, referring to waves or influence. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Egg. A collection of goo? Indeed, the egg, and the process of complex things taking form from simple things has been going on for a long time. Perhaps…
The Intuitive Mind
Isn’t imagination important? Imagination is indeed important, vital even. In my classes I often try to describe things in as bottom line a way as possible. That way anyone can relate to it. So the intuitive mind has a number of ‘modules’ or entities walking around interacting and building a world view like blocks of…
Conflict Between Thought and Intuition
You can easily experience the conflict between intuition and normal thought for yourself. Between both extremes you have the thalamus. The amygdala begins to show the split, but beneath that you have what has been called the “reptile brain“, and the conflict between your conscious thought and your intuition registers here as physical sensations and…
Streams of Consciousness
The right/left brain model as its commonly discussed these days is not entirely accurate, but there are parts of it that are more or less true. You have two streams of consciousness going on all the time. The bottom up or sensory to thought path, and the top down or thought to bodily action path.…
Thought Processes
I have horrible news for you friends. You are all rational people. It’s true, and inescapable. Our minds naturally rationalize, everyone’s. For everything we experience in a day, our mind seeks a causal connection between it and other events, and if it can’t find one readily, it will make one up. A great deal of…
Stand Your Ground
Simple question. If you had the power, what would you do to create world peace? Could there be world peace without conflict? Could there be world conflict without peace? A deadly pandemic would create world peace. Well, at one time humanity was indeed much less populous, and conflict like we know today did not exist. Tribes…
Dark Practice
Let’s consider a tradition others might consider almost barbaric. There is a sect of Buddhist monks that practice an unusual rite of passage, mud wrestling, and I don’t mean some pseudo-erotic nonsense. I mean they get in the mud with the initiate, and they proceed to actually fight. They fight to exhaustion, and then conclude…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…