Choice is Everything
I guess I consider life a practice. Do you do it daily? We all have dark moments and light moments in our lives. Ah, moments differ from movements. We do all have moments of either state, but movement tends to come from a single root, and stem out to give structure to all extending branches.…
A Martial Art
Is there any aspect of life that stands alone from all others? I think love does. Love stands with everything, separate from nothing. Death? They say we die alone. Perhaps panic…. I don’t think there are any that stand alone. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. That awareness is taken…
Absolute Power
For the person on the path of dark ascension, there is no difference between their experience and their being, and it is believed that limitation and rejection of any part of ones being, even the darkest impulses, is what slows or even stops the individual from ultimate ascension. So one setting upon the path of…
Basic Concepts for Dark Ascension
To being with a warning of sorts, this is the dark metaphysics class so the subject matter may offend though this is not my intention. With that being said, today we are talking about the dark side of ascension. Normal ascension awareness is about nurturing personal growth and awareness, and if you accelerate that process…
Wiccan Tradition
As for the specifics of any particular Wiccan denomination, also called a tradition, I’m afraid it would be necessary to consult the sources directly but certain beliefs are held in common between them. What is commonly called the Wiccan rede, I will paraphrase. As it harms none, do what you will. Besides respect and reverence…
Communication from the Master by Robert Gresak
And the time shall come when you shall go deeper than your words, deeper than your thoughts, when you shall and must transcend your little personality self to enter the abode of the hearts love. There, my brother must you tarry for a period and experience all the flame of the heart, and there, as you…
Power of Wicca
As for the power of Wicca, much of the power of a practice stems from the measure of spiritual energy behind the practice. The cultural and inherited weight of the symbols and practices involved, as well as the integrity of the practical lore that goes with it. So, as much as Wicca is a modern…
Emergence of Wicca
What organization there was behind the older faiths practiced by the Greeks and Romans was functionally lost as the priest of gods like Zeus and Poseidon were perfectly willing to convert to the new state religion of Christianity. Their offices having originally been largely political and they continued to remain so. No loss for them.…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…