Independent Universes
We are talking about ripple realities. So first a little background. All universes stem from what could be called a common source. The energy behind these various universes formed into different bodies that look something like the universe as we know it. Each of these universes had its start at the same “time” (for lack…
Fortune vs Karma
It does get hard to reconcile the fact that good things happen to bad people and vice versa. Good fortune happens to bad people because fortune treats everyone equally. Bad people can understand the web of fortune, can’t they? Yes. They are able to understand it as well as good people are, and some even make…
Reap What You Sow
What of your possession have so much worth that you would trade a life for them? Would you trade a life for your house? Having shelter is pretty important, but is it worth a life? I can name something I would trade my life for. I would trade it for my wife’s life or my…
My Two Cents IMHO
I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone. Lord Byron Why People Are Like That Today: Sense. Make sense, people say. We live in a world dominated by sense. The sense of this, a sense of that. A sense of worth and a sense of place. Hell, even a sense…
Seed of Fortune
We, in western thinking, are unbalanced, feeling materialistic gain is more important. This is why things are struggling so badly now. What happens with people who try to hoard or withhold things of value? How well does a miser live? A very crowded house. Crowded to the point of denying them the benefit of the house.…
Identify Inherit Worth
There is fortune going around. In one form it’s called money, and money has existed since well before what we understand as the modern form. In fact, the early offerings made to the gods were typically exchanged as a form of currency. One god likes potatoes but you don’t grow any potatoes so instead you…
What is Fortune?
Today we are talking about fortune. But first I must ask, what is fortune? Fortune as in some kind of prediction? It’s commonly thought of as a prediction. Fortune is what the world provides you, or lack thereof as in bad fortune. Or as in a gathering of wealth be it money, friends etc. What…
Depth of Love by Kelsey Clark
You can only be loved to the extent that you are known. John Ortberg I heard this quote the other day and it really opened my eyes to understand love a little better. Love is not some magical thing that will overwhelm everything in its path. Love can only be allowed in, and it can…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…