Cutting Energy Flow
The reason our minds are in such danger these days is because we have mental structures, ideas and belief systems, that are using up our healthy emotional and spiritual energy, but they aren’t doing the job of that part of the mind they are connected to. They resemble honesty. They look like love. But they…
Psychic Tumours
Psychic malignancy is the tendency of something to behave in a viral fashion. Where do viruses breed best on a biological level? In life forms? And when out of life forms in biological waste, either dead and decaying matter, or literal eliminative waste. I think they die out when all their hosts are dead. Oh,…
Psychic Potential
I will start with a question, as I often do. Why do many people fear the idea of psychic potential? They may be afraid of something that they themselves haven’t experienced or are afraid to tap into. People know how awful their thoughts can be and don’t want others to read them. Strangely, it doesn’t…
Engineer States of Being
I do like to take anything like this on ripple realities back to practical application. Though the practical application of this insight is perhaps really complicated, it is still there. Because if you can shift your consciousness out to that outer limit of your awareness, sort of like examining what happens when an atom decays,…
Consciousness Event Horizon
Will our brains evolve higher than 3D? Our brains? Well yes, but by that time they won’t look much like the brains we know now. You said our brains receive on the third dimension? Yes, and the complexity of the neuronal cytoskeleton can progress. So we won’t look like “us” either? Change the brain biology…
Multiversal Bodies
The various universes in our multiversal shell are linked together by “fibers” much like those that form during cellular mitosis. These fibers are the time space singularities, wormholes and things like that. These singularities keep our multiversal atom intact. If we artificially create a wormhole can things from another universe come here? Another iteration of…
Ripples of our Universe
Now to explain the universal shell… This is where ripple realities come in. The events in our universe spread out not in a three or even four dimensional pattern, but something more in the neighborhood of ten dimensions. So each event causes things to happen that we ourselves only perceive a narrow portion of. To…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…