Tapestry of Causes
Perhaps it’s time I got to my point. I will use the apocalypse of Biblical antiquity as a metaphor, the great flood. We are immersed in a flowing reality. We are not adrift. Our spirits are in their very nature able to move with this reality. In fact, they embody it. It is their very…
Ultimate Apocalypse
Are you familiar with the Marquis Desade? On the surface, his philosophical insights were valid were they not? He basically believed that you didn’t see someone’s true character until you witnessed them in hardship or suffering. The reason being that unless they were put under this stress, they would instead bury themselves in any of…
Life is Death
There is an interesting variant model of the observer effect. It’s called the quantum zeno effect. The quantum zeno effect runs along the lines of “an observed particle never decays.” Which, if taken back to today’s subject of apocalypse, means that we often don’t experience renewal because we continue to intend the existence of the…
Lifting of the Veil
Shall we discuss apocalypse? It’s a Greek word the same as the word sin, and just like the word sin it’s typically misunderstood in the English speaking world. It means “lifting of the veil.” It’s a reference to having visions. As we go through our daily lives we tend to get caught up in the…
Psychic Touch
When people fall in love aren’t they seeking the “I” in another? Not their own I, because you cannot own an I. You are it. But if they can get out from under the psychic malignancy, you will realize you are seeking contact with your kin, with the real being behind all the substance. Are…
I to I
What can you do to step closer into the psychic? First realize that the mind is a sense and not an identity, and then realize that you can be selective about your psychic stuff in the same way you are your physical stuff, and you gather psychic stuff for the same reason. Where does our…
Deal Actively with the Mental World
Can you watch TV and listen to what someone says at the same time? Or cook and listen? Mix a drink and listen? Drive and listen? Depends on how much information you want. Well, yes, this is true, and this applies even to the psychic things I am talking about tonight. Just because you aren’t…
Psychic Scrub
When anyone functions from a self-actualized center, does anything to improve their psychic health, they convert the waste energy into healthy energy again. Self-will acted on is liberating not only for you but for everyone around you. Wear white after labor day if you want to, because you want to. There is the idea that…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…