Poise in the Flow
It is said in Taoism that the thing that goes against the Tao cannot endure. The Tao is the natural harmony or balance of the world. People usually become angry because they have set themselves in opposition to the balance of things in their current place or situation, otherwise they would just become motivated. Done…
Chi Cultivation
In chi cultivation you consider two things, primarily. How you are holding your chi and where you are gathering it from. Poor quality chi is seen as more or less poisonous and will deplete your strength. High quality chi, like you might absorb standing next to a pure mountain stream taking in clean mountain air,…
Flows of Chi
Chi is said to flow in two ways. It can be receptive and reinforcing, or it can be disruptive and “cutting.” Martial arts use the cutting kind? It uses either kind, and martial arts styles are often defined by whether they are “hard” or internal. I saw a guy who could disrupt an opponent’s chi…
Everything Has Chi
Shall we discuss chi? Chi is universal subtle energy. It is said to precede all other forms of energy, to give rise to the behavior of these others forms, as well as govern how they interact with each other. It runs through all states of matter. Those we consider alive and those we do not.…
Achieve You
The apocalypse is now. All events have ended now. All stories have ended now, and everything begins now. This is once upon a time. All creation is going on right now. All events you will know in your life have happened right now. This is why your life can seem so predictable, because you believe…
Be It Now
If you want to achieve anything great, stop asking permission. If you want to achieve something great, be something great. Be it now, because every intention around you is formed in the same context as is yours. You are riding a wave of intentions that culminated from a million drops of rain and converged into a…
Be There from Here
Anyone like the group Blues Traveler? I will twist their lyrics a bit, but it might help this idea come a bit more clear. Intention sits behind the world like a nervous magician waiting in the wings of a bad play. Where the heroes right, and no one thinks or expects too much, and Hollywood’s…
Intention Is Always There
Does the world look like we intended it to? Perhaps describing my own apocalypse… Seen from a strictly autobiographical view, my life has not really ever gone as I intended it to. I have had one failure after another, and my list of substantial accomplishments is from my point of view non-existent. The more I…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…