Thumbprint on Our Planet
Our track of space has left its thumbprint on our planet. Longer winters when we pass through cosmic gas or dust clouds. Chemical changes when we have had our more noticeable meteor strikes, and all the while the radiation of the sun recording itself on both the original matter and any newly added matter. Even…
My 5 Favorite Spiritual Tomes by Amanda Watson
Obviously, given the nature of the subject matter, this is a very personal and subjective list. So I don’t want anyone to take it as a “best” list or any kind of canon of required reading. I simply want to share with you some of the most inspiring, revelatory, or just plain mind-blowing books I’ve…
Reality Behind Astrological Influences
The conditions that allowed for the formation of DNA on our planet were set up by the effects of our planet passing through the tracks of space it did and still does, and our evolution has had a few almost complete restarts to boot. So the rhythm of DNA formation was set up well before…
Roads of Possibility
Now perhaps to make it personal… Animals are sensitive to magnetic fields, black noise, fire, sun spots. Seeing a pattern here? The same as the atmosphere? Yes. When we are exposed to strong magnetic fields it can cause us to experience changes in our perception as well, and we are sensitive to the same earth…
Planetary Circuits
Today I am not talking about astrological signs, just patterns, circuits. The earth has something perhaps much like our own biorhythm, but its own rhythm was set long ago when our special star system was beginning to awaken. Each planet in this system formed as a part of an interconnected process from the same general…
Bah Humbug!
Bah humbug! Bah humbug is a popular idea these days. The word humbug was a slang term meaning nonsense. We declare everything these days nonsense. It’s a very popular attitude, no? There are so many people who speak untruths. What of your personal life and attitude do you know for certain is an absolute fact? Do you…
Giving and Getting
We do all give, often despite ourselves. Does it always go well? This is why we get caught up in the nightmare prison of getting, acquisition, objects and inventories, score keeping and budgeting. I only got out of that prison by a harsh breakdown. I’ve been doing the career thing but ten years ago I got…
Virtue Forgotten
Everyone familiar with hypnosis? The principle of suggestion? Simple repetition is the root of it and is why even the most mind numbing and annoying commercials still lodge themselves in your memory and still come up in your thinking. Hypnosis itself is just the induction of trance, but people tend to identify the operations practiced…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…