Why Give?
It can be an uneasy feeling when someone showers you with gifts. Indeed it can, for a variety of reasons. So shall we question giving in general? Why do we ever give anything? What has ever moved one of you to give something or some time to anyone at all? Even space? Why give space?…
Best In Life
I will open with a question. What is best in life? Peace. Variety. There are no wrong answers to this question. It’s the question itself that matters. I have a strong urge to give Conan’s answer. To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of de wimmens (in a thick…
Honest Consciousness: Aligning your Thoughts and Feelings with Authenticity by Amelia Wood
A dear friend once told me that true and honest authenticity is one of the rarest qualities people possess. I remember being rather taken aback by her bold assertion. What did she mean? Were all the people around me being fake and insincere in their day-to-day lives? Was my mother’s seemingly endless love not truly…
Nightmare Awareness
Just as your body is an ecosystem, so is your mind, and besides impressions made on you by other organisms, you actually have semi-independent intelligences showing up in your dreaming experience as well. We aren’t as holistic as people convince themselves they are. Various regions of your own nervous system still center themselves and organize…
Things that Scare Us
We have one world with three faces of experience or consciousness. We have one world, but one which can be said to exist at three different levels of awareness, and even if you understand everything and delude yourself about nothing, none of the levels will disappear. The reason being, just as our brain assembles what…
Include the Whole Picture
Our world has three faces. A dreamy heaven where wishes are fulfilled. A nightmarish hell where guilt is punished and fear is rewarded with its expectations, and the bright and potentially blinding “real world.” Can you have the real world as we know it without the other two? What would happen if humans had no dreams?…
World of Experience
Neuroscience has discovered some very interesting things. We structure our memory like it was physical spaces. This is why when you walk through a door, you often forget why you were entering that room. Your memory is your house. But what is the difference between sensation and memory? How can you tell the difference? Sensation…
Nightmare Characters
Notice how time works in your dreams? Almost non existent. Because it’s non-existent, as we define it, even while we are awake. We think we have a dream at the end of the day while we sleep, but even viewed in waking world terms, that part of your brain that dreams still dreams while we…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…