What is a Nightmare?
Let’s start with a question which is very often a good start. What is a nightmare? A bad dream. Frightening imagination. Any fearful situation. All true. In fact, how do we tell when we are dreaming? Sometimes the boundaries of dream and awake are not easy to see. Interesting and true. The defined boundaries are…
Willingly Go Into the Dark
Here is where things get tricky. Our heart can seem to go where we don’t want it to, no? Our heart wants what it wants, goes where it goes of its own accord, yes? It can go to those painful memories. Or so it would seem. There is a deeper way than that. Shall we go…
One Immutable Light
The mind has a geography all its own. Meditation can reveal a lot of that, and selective sensory immersion can reveal a lot more. This is why artists always seem so intuitive and insightful. In order to learn to do their art, they have to really focus on the sense involved in making their art,…
Retain Control of Attention
I think imagining a violent murder is sort of healthy. It puts reality into perspective. It is sort of healthy, yes, and then the reflexively screening of it or putting it aside is also healthy. We have to retain control not of our imaginations. We don’t have what you might call true control of that. We…
Mass Imagination
People have been shown to be able to do amazing things under hypnosis. They haven’t yet done anything that seems outside the realm of public reason entirely, but they do accomplish things that they personally believe themselves unable or unwilling to do. People fear their personal imagination would be exploited, so it’s easier to just…
Parts of Imagination
Precognitive thought, as I am familiar with it, occurs in that space that your senses register the world around you. But you haven’t started thinking about it yet because you don’t believe you control what your senses perceive. They can learn patterns that you aren’t consciously aware of, and sometimes they offer a finished pattern…
How much of an impact do you feel your imaginations have had on your real life situations? Visualization can be described as the active use of imagination. Image-ination. Maybe we create our reality with our imagination. There are many wise old cultures that believe that very thing. It may even be proven true as science advances…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…