Sensory Way
Shall we talk about visualization? Are you all familiar with it already? Well, I’ll start with a question. How do we cause things to happen? I mean anything. Is it just physical activity? We think about it. And the biggest part of your brain is the part responsible for visual processing. Planning helps. Even the most rudimentary…
False Identification vs Self Actualization
Now I will consider my own appearance in Second Life. Superficially perhaps, it would seem I am just another example of the dark/vampire trend. In general, those who are exploring this idea and role would prefer to put it down. Instinctively, they want to see a world of vibrant life and abundance where everyone is…
State of Society
Human behaviors we consider evil come from a learned sense of perversion of natural desires and drives. There is no upside to frustration for its own sake. It doesn’t make us wiser, and instead will in time make us less sane. Ergo, sociopaths among us. Yes, as they have come to believe that is the…
Self-Actualization Schools of Thought
We have highly developed brains, so much so that they have grown wild and even to some degree choke themselves out. Or so we think. Oh, highly developed doesn’t necessarily mean good. They can be good, but whether they are or not is something to be looked at on a case by case basis, like…
Facets to Self-Actualization
What do we really want in life? We pursue many things in life, simple things and complex, material things and spiritual. We need energy and strength to fully self-express / develop / grow. How many of these things are in themselves inherently rewarding? We too often make the error of forgetting the simple, and it’s a serious error. Recent…
We Can Shape the World
In any exercise of power there is the potential for distraction. This is why they say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. To date, humanity doesn’t deal well with having very many choices. They forget where their truth and their strength come from. They fall off the side of the cliff face because they…
The Universe is Participating in You
Now there was a reason for all my commentary on human potential earlier, because human potential is not by definition human. It is not limited to humans. Can we even state clearly what it is to be human? People always try to diffentiate humans from animals but they never agree on what it is, and…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…