Understanding in Being
We have in our being an understanding of our whole nature, and a reference point for understanding the entirety of nature itself. We research things because we want to. We build things because we want the tool or means to our end that our “industry” produces, and we are working with what is effectively a…
Masters of All
We seek to rise above the facts of life and petty nature, declaring ourselves as special and worthy of dominion over all else that exists, if not openly and consciously, then reflexively by seeking self-satisfaction in life. And if this were true, wouldn’t the world work exactly as we expect it to? I am sure…
Root Temptation
In this event, we have been discussing the dark side of metaphysical practice. Today specifically we will discuss the temptations you may have heard mention of whenever you have talked with people about these things. I will open by asking, what do you perceive temptation to be? Something put before me that I desire, but…
Effect Change by Changing Yourself
In the structure and wisdom of the Book of Changes, no state is seen as impossible for anyone to experience. Peasants can become kings, rich men become beggars, mountains be leveled, etc. So in using the I Ching to explore your life, it doesn’t lock you into any specific course. You can effect change in…
Making the Most Out of Spiritual Education by Mariana Ashley
The spiritual educational experience can be a smooth ride or a slippery slope. Life is full of numerous temptations, unhealthy habits, and terrible maladies. So how does one expand their spirituality in the midst of such world chaos? Education – of course. Spiritual education helps students maintain life goals, inner callings, and personal sanity in…
Rotation of Yin and Yang States
As yin and yang shift in their natural way, the shift of energies in earth and heaven will in time travel through all 64 states of the I Ching. You will encounter any and all of the 64 life states in the length of your lifetime. It’s sort of like charting the biorhythm of anyone…
Interplay of Changes
Though there are 64 hexagrams in the I Ching, there are only 8 trigrams, and understanding the trigrams makes reading the hexagrams potentially rather easy. But first let’s explore a simple element of the symbolism. How would you explain warmth in the yin/yang symbolism? Yang is hot, yin is cold. Remember the hexagrams and even…
Book of Changes
The topic is the I Ching also known as the Book of Changes. The I Ching is the world’s oldest divinatory text, if not the oldest divinatory practice. It’s speculated it may have been around for more than three millennia before the birth of Christ, and it’s confirmed at the two millennia mark. It has…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…