Compassion is Possible
What has value other than life? Can you value your own life without valuing all life? Even research would suggest no. They have established a link between abuse of animals and abuse of humans even in those who are otherwise willfully selective. I suppose it’s easy to kill people when you don’t even care about…
Life Running
Do you feel freer floating in a void or riding the waves expertly? Ever watch waves on water? Just gentle ripples, I mean. They run their course as is their nature, and the outcome always seems certain, no? Unless they encounter an obstacle. Yes, and the obstacle has its impact because it too produces waves.…
Do You Feel Whole?
We exist in a fabric of being, not of thinking. Our thinking can potentially derive its content from this pre-existing being. There was something there that was thrown out yet again in the age of reason, in the name of freedom, in the supposed service of truth. Have you felt it? Do you perhaps feel…
People Are Life
We know people we would call compassionate. What are they like? Very present centered. Yes. They are present centered these people with compassion. When the baby is crying, can you put it off till tomorrow? Do your instincts make you feel like you can or should? When your spouse breaks into tears, can it be…
Safe Society?
They have discovered in deep examination of brain function, using what they call functional magnetic resonance imaging, that many more processes go on in our brain than we are aware of, and they have found much of it rather surprising. No matter your personal views, your brain reacts negatively when it witnesses pain and it…
A Form of Knowledge
We easily recognize “people’s needs” and distinguish them from our own needs. How complicated are our own needs? To handle another’s distress we need to be centered to deal with it. Most people can’t be centered in their own distress. If all you needed to do was attend to your own needs, how busy would…
What is Compassion?
A thing they say is not appropriately functioning in me is what we have as our subject today, compassion. Who are “they”? Scientists, and their analysis of autism spectrum disorders. So I will ask, what is compassion? Understanding situations and accepting how people feel about them. Caring about someone else’s feelings. Sympathy for others and…
Avoid the Blindness
Isn’t everything part of the truth? Everything is part of the truth, but people often miss chances to see it because their point of view is showing them something others call a lie. The nightmare is just as enlightening as the dream, but we are told just not to think about nightmares, to put them…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…