Way of the Totems
I will ask you, how many ways are there of doing any single thing in the world? I am talking about focused tasks. There are only so many ways to get a fish, and only so many ways to find your way home, and which of those steps was your strength was explored through your…
Sharing of Spirit
In the shamans world view, all existence is spirit, and there is nothing that exists that is not a spirit. So the statement that you are what you eat had some meaning even to them. Thus you had to be very careful about eating herbs that you didn’t understand or make peace with, and even…
On the Medicine Wheel
In the shaman’s world, spirit wasn’t a thing you could possess for yourself. It was something shared like the air we breathe, and the life force we possess is shared with us by everything else in our world. Sort of like a fire, it could grow in strength and brightness or it could be depleted…
Shaman’s World View
I will start by asking, what do you know about totems or shamanism in general? I know something about shamanism working with animals and nature, and journeying. Are totems representations of spirits? The physical artifacts are representations, yes. They serve as mental focuses when preparing to meet the spirit they depict, thus the reference to…
Inner Mind is Your Living Mind
You said outer thinking takes repeated words for true. How can you reverse that effect? Well, you can’t undo the repetition effect, but you can do something. So I will wrap up with the big picture model. Avoid people that are abusive, and seek out people that are emotionally supportive? That is good advice, but you…
Illness Dysfunction
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they’re okay, then it’s you. Rita Mae Brown Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Illness… How many people really feel well these days? Everyone seems to have something to…
A New Dawn by Robert Gresak
The world and humanity is in turmoil and disarray. One does not need a crystal ball to see this. People are constantly on the move, nothing is static, the rivers of life appear to be fast gathering momentum towards some amazing and wondrous end. Stress and tension and the pressures of peoples work are also…
Purpose from the Inner Mind
How can we have health? Can someone else give it to us? Doctors can treat us. They can help our health, but only our inner state actually results in health or disease. In fact, what works as a medical assist for one person may threaten another person’s life, but the personal state principle holds true…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…