Of Two Minds
We all have a bit of a problem on our hands don’t we? Seems like we are of two minds about most things, does it not? Ego and inner self? Yes, indeed. Frivolous and serious? Not frivolous. Those words are judgements. How do we determine importance? Importance is arrived at by the outer awareness. That…
Heart has a Mind
What do your dreams seem like to you? Fuzzy, indistinct. Warnings. Dreams are kind of like little TV shows, some stand out, some are forgotten. They are indeed much like stories, and nothing is ever completely forgotten. Some things are just diffused or generalized. They didn’t have enough of a center to stand out. It’s weird…
Free from Nothing
What do people really want in life? Pleasure. Freedom or so they claim. Balance. Security. Health. Freedom for what? Security in what? Health and balance in what? More like “from what”. Ah yes, that is how people think, freedom from things. This is perhaps one of the first broken switches, stuck gates. We live in a world where you…
Inner and Outer Awareness
What rules human behavior? Greed? Fear? Personal needs vs. the pressure of other humans. All kinds of desire. How about emotion? Does the rational mind ever really win out for very long or in any meaningful way? Should it? Not necessarily, though some do think so. You have an inner and an outer awareness. In your outer awareness…
Sorcery Examples
To use an example from Semitic sorcery. In Semitic sorcery if you wanted to cause jealousy between a married couple, you could communicate with the spirit known as Ashmedai who was a notorious horn dog, and his behavior in their life would cause them to split. That is an example of negative sorcery. I don’t…
Politics of Sorcery
How do the different types of sorcery differentiate themselves? By types of spirits they deal with or techniques used? Mostly by the types of spirit, spirit cultures. The maho-tsukai of China focused on what their culture considered dark kami, and though they might have been able to prepare a talisman for the repulsion of a…
Types of Sorcery
There are many schools of sorcery, from those practiced in Mesoamerican culture, to the Obeah men of African tradition, to Arab Sha’irs. It’s actually a long list each with its own culture of sorcery. In modern western society, we are most familiar with a bastardized form of Semitic sorcery. Semitic meaning having its origin in…
Cosmic Power Brokering
In brief, what are your thoughts or experiences on magick? A state of mind I’ve been used to for many years. That it doesn’t come from thin air. It’s in your blood. It’s a way of looking at interconnectivity. A responsibility. Yes. It is response ability. All of these are true. Is there a mechanism…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…