How to Get Motivated and Reach Your Fullest Potential by Macy Hart
So often, you hear people say that you have the potential to do anything you want. The problem is that no one tells us how to reach that potential or even find it. The problem just may be that we cannot quantify potential, or that we cannot measure potential and we cannot even define potential!…
Use of Runes
Are there standard methods to use when casting runes, or a wide variety? A wide variety. It was heavily influenced by the inspiration of the runemal practitioner as well as their traditional training. As long as the understanding of the runes was strong, the form didn’t matter as much. The reason they trained skalds to…
Balance Your Karma with Symbol
Could you cast runes, not just to predict the future, but to manipulate it? Actually, they were not usually cast to predict the future. It can be cast for that purpose. It’s not invalid. It just wasn’t their most common focus. It was thought that your future was dictated by your personal luck. We get…
Communion with the Spirits
They say in conventional scientific circles that we perceive figures and patterns where there are supposedly no such thing. So as they began to discover the runes, the word rune itself roughly translates as “mystery”. It likely felt as if there was a spirit speaking through the figure, even perhaps a god. Some of the…
Ancient Runes Script
Today we are talking about the runes. They are ancient to the point of prehistoric. The only thing necessary for something to be prehistoric is for it to have had its advent before written history. The first instances of runes as we know them today show up as ancient petroglyphs at various locations around northern…
Occupy All the Things!
Most things I read on dependent origination use it to explain emptiness. Do you have time to go into that? I do. How do we know when something is empty? In tai chi, an empty step is one that does not bear your full weight. Yes. Leaves it light, and free, and open. In Taoism,…
Be Aware of Our Footprint
Perhaps a metaphor is in order. Let’s say you go walking, and whenever you go walking you take a fall. Each and every time you go walking you fall. That would be upsetting, no? Now could you understand this falling problem by looking at the event of falling, and understanding falling in an abstract sense?…
Cause Is and Isn’t There
How do we switch our state into problem solving? We’re heavily taught more to problem solve then to create. You switch your state into problem solving with the realization of a condition in which that event, whatever it is, is permitted. It can be a useful practice to deliberately imagine problems. Practice that. It might get uncomfortable though,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…