Yin Minor Arcana
Shall we see the introverted suits in Tarot? The Ace of Pentacles. This symbol represents the nest, home, coins, cowry shells, wampum, gathered food, physical roots. The directions N S E W. Yes. It represents the earth and is connected to the earth element. Ultimately, this suit is the nesting instinct and all the feelings…
Yang Minor Arcana
I mean to continue the subject of Tarot, but we will touch on the basics. Are you all familiar with tarot? It’s based on a set of images that in all likelihood go back to late Egypt. It originally was used as a set of playing cards that were quite popular with the Egyptian mercenary…
How to Live Zen when Life is Hectic by Hollywood Psychics
It seems that life gets more hectic every day. Sometimes, a busy schedule can be used as an excuse not to live a Zen life. Perhaps you’ve made that excuse yourself. Face it, you’ve got a demanding job, friends, family, and let’s not forget society applying daily pressure to do it all and to be…
The First Sound
Personality is the first sound of your first word spoken. It’s the first note of your personal song. If you start out in c sharp, then go to d flat, you influence how every sound coming after that affects you. Set a 2/4 time and notes that carry for a three beat count sound differently…
Our Energy Fingerprint
If you imagine the first and foundational reality as an infinite sea of formless potential, raw energy of life, if you took a flash photograph of that roiling sea of primal life energy, fixed in that one time and place, that is a personality. And though it exists as an individual and will endure as…
Personal Core
In Buddhist practice, you learn that there is no “I” you can point at. Your “I” is in the space to experience. And that gets us right down to the personal core of personality. We are not bricks in a wall, cells in gods brain, as amusing as the concept might be. We perceive ourself…
Personalities Align with Objects of Awareness
Can we find personalities anywhere? Are they stockpiled somewhere in nature or in human institutions? Can anyone ever follow that advice to “get a life” even if they are willing? Personality is all around us, because it’s non local. It is personal, but not confined, not fixed in any specific form. This is why a…
What is Personality?
What is personality? How someone conveys themselves to others. It is what makes uniqueness. Your own personal set of behaviours. A spirit of some kind behind your behaviours. “Doing something with personality.” Is it just about behavior or public image? I think it has emotion in it. Doing something with feeling. How often do we do…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…