What are Your Practices?
There are people who don’t believe they have a practice. They are mistaken. In fact, they believe they don’t have a practice because they don’t have what they consider special experiences, spiritual epiphanies, paranormal contacts, things like that. Seeking these things is what creates the confusion. These people actually have the most powerful magick in…
Alchemy – The Ancient Science by Robert Gresak
The word “Alchemy” is an Arabic one although it probably really originated in ancient Egypt. The popular explanation is that it originally meant “the art of the land of Khem”, Khem being the name the Arabs gave to Egypt for it was from Egypt that they acquired their knowledge of this strange science. However, although…
Practice to Synchrony
Perhaps further elaboration will better serve. I have done a lot of teaching on a lot of different practices. They come in all colors and forms, and we each share our own special gift with the world. Someone who brings red is ill served and negated when they try to conform to a standard of…
Practice Has a Form
Our inner most nature might be a higher self? One behind the day to day belief systems, and one of a core belief or path? Yes exactly. Chinese philosophy goes into that. They say, “That which goes against the Tao cannot stand.” The Tao is an all-encompassing harmony of the universe itself. They also say…
Everything Has Practices
The subject of ‘Practices’ sort of arises from recent difficulties I have been having with events. I seem to have lost my stride as they say, lost some inspiration. You imply you have goals, is this so? I have pictures, experiences that at one time I was asked to share. As far as an agenda…
Achieving Mind-Body Fitness by Sarah Rexman
Fitness “experts” tell us that sweating it out in the gym several times a week and pushing yourself to work harder and longer are what you must do to become healthy and to be happy with your body. Yet this kind of punishing routine can actually increase your stress, leading to a decline in your…
Patterns in the World
For me, god is life. I have not experienced a single sovereign god. I experience multiple gods, though I don’t like the term god. It’s too hierarchical. e ulu e ulu, kini o ke akua. kini = innumerable number of “gods”. Only akua is not God. In the old usages; akua (best we can decipher…
Miracles Arise from the Spaces
Without having the traditional notion of a deity or god (that the more traditional definition of miracle uses), is there a causative agent of a miracle? I would say always, because everything is coincidence. Everything coincides and follows a metaphor. Every aspect of human thought follows metaphor and one triggers another by association. Events create…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…