Chain of Events and Non-Events
Perhaps a theory I am working on… I have been incubating this explanation for a long time, but it might serve today’s topic of Dual Genetics. Everyone familiar with David Bohms implicate order model? He advanced the idea that our entire physical system is the projection of an enfolded system. That some key elements of…
Yin and Yang of Duons
It was formerly believed that your DNA was your destiny. They thought of the DNA structure as being a fixed lattice of information which was more or less constantly churning out product and you more or less just had to deal with it, maybe compensate with diet changes or medications. It turns out those notions…
Forms of Relationship
I read that the viral commercials don’t even result in as many sales. It’s true, they don’t. When they hit on the principle that makes things go viral it weakens interest in the physical product. People are instead fascinated with the spirit expressed by the commercial. There is a spirit world. If not a literal…
Communal Glue
Today, how many people have a grasp on music? Or art in general? Not many unfortunately. It is definitely uncommon, but originally it was the glue of the community. What is the communal glue now? Iphone? And the advertisements they plug us into. Even television serves to celebrate something we no longer have public sanction…
Carols, Hymns and Chants
Are there any links between carols, hymns and chants? Ah yes, carols, hymns and chants… Everyone familiar with things like Gregorian chant? Chants were taken up by monks and pilgrims as they were engaged in either ritual processions like funerals or on pilgrimage. Gregorian chant is just a more contemporary version of an ancient practice.…
Carolling and Processions
Today we are talking about carols. In today’s world we tend to underestimate the significance of music to society. The original meaning of the word carol was circle dance and they were not confined to any specific event though they have always had a festive spirit to them. Carols were later adapted to depict points…
Yes, and…
So far have my observations seemed a bit nebulous? Maybe I can make them easier to relate to. Both the experiential path and the so called learning path make their mark on the autobiographical memory. We universally learn anything best in story form. The very core of our brain tells us stories. It’s actually the…
Oh, Shit!
When you think about problems, you do not think of other things besides the problem. Your behaviour and perception are constrained to the problem. It’s the only way you can process the information and generate a conclusion that matches your personal pre-conclusions that “make sense” to you. You will take no note of anything that…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…