Kingdom of Osiris
The Egyptian Pharaoh was both King and High Priest. At first, the ascension (not unlike the Buddha’s ascension) was considered possible only to the Pharaoh. It was only later that they came to believe that all souls could ascend, and when they transformed into the Akh they were able to wander the whole world though…
Walking With Spirit
There was a goddess named Hathor, the hippo who governed the Nile. You were considered to need to cross the Nile so they invoked the aid of the Bison Goddess by imitating her act of creation. The shaping of human bodies from clay. Except in this case the clay was linked to the spirits of the…
Field of Stars
Can anyone name the worlds oldest religious texts? Bahagavida? Good guess, but in written form it isn’t as old as another. The Egyptian tomb texts predate any religious cannon. They even predate the Book of the Dead which was later published. For the Egyptians, life and death weren’t separate things. They were seen as parts…
Use of Charms
Anyone care to give an example of what they might want to attract in their life? Sincerity? If you want to attract sincerity use symbols of truth, justice, balance. Like a scales, the sign of Libra, or a photo of an innocent, a puppy dog or a young child. Whatever seems strongly linked to sincerity.…
Compositions of Mind
Numbers and language have a literal connection to what they refer to in the subconscious mind. So your subconscious doesn’t see the number three (3), it will instead represent it in geometry. Has anyone noticed you can’t really read in dreams? Yes. It’s hard, but I’ve managed a little. I can, but I’m weird. Ah,…
Language of Diplomacy
Humans give charms power not vice versa? Well, humans relate to power by charms. Even if it’s just a spoken phrase that seems like a fetish, like “I can’t” or “I don’t know”. If you are healthy, your eyes are always communicating with light on some level, your ears with sound, your body communicating contact…
Charms To Attract
Most natural magic uses one of two ideas. It’s pretty simple as a whole, but it is sort of like a magnet. They use amulets and such to repel undesired things, like disease or bad fortune, and there is a lot of that in feng shui. Charms are on the opposite side of that spectrum.…
Be the Guide
I have zillions of questions about parenting. You are the seeking child. You are the loving little boy or girl. You just need to help the child out of the whole. You were good and learned what you were taught. Now be good to yourself. Be the guide you didn’t have to yourself and anyone…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…