Owned by Their Work
Does the artist own their art? An artist absolutely owns the product of their labour, just like anyone who does any sort of work. I don’t think art is owned by anyone. Legally, but not really owned. If I created it, it belongs to me and no one else. Not really. As a photographer, the client…
Work Hard Or Work with Love by Sanchit Khera
What would you choose? If you’re responsible for people or projects to get done, then do you go into alpha-mode and get everything done with efficiency and speed? Or do you aim to love your job and slow down and begin to enjoy the process of it all. It all depends on how the organization…
What is Creativity?
Today we are talking about creativity so first we need to put it out there. What is creativity? Originality. There is no wrong answer to this question. New connections and novelty. Making something. Connection with spirit expressed outwardly. Invention and stimulation. Where does creativity come from? What makes it possible? Soul. Perspective. Soul/spirit/inner voice. Imagination.…
Relationship with You
Do you know how to have a relationship with you? Do you think yourself likes you very much? Or even that yourself knows you very well? I contain multitudes…. and they are of mixed opinions about loving “us.” My self is angry at not being taken care of. Actually, she’s angry at having her posts…
We need more nonsense. We need those who are struggling to make sense to others. They know why they are struggling. For every person you question, there is an opportunity to recognize your own sense and how your habitual thinking blinds you from that. Shall I go deep? Your afterlife… You are living it right…
Innately Sensible Beings
Perhaps another question, another point of view on this topic, why do we try to make sense? Why let someone else control what makes sense to you? Nature controls what makes sense to you on the most basic level. You just layer thinking on top of that. Because we are sentient and anything nonsensual is…
Degree of Nonsense
Since your attention seems to be not entirely under your conscious control, and we are probably quite lucky this is true, this might suggest that a healthy sensitivity to those things that create that natural shift would be what amounts to real “common sense.” It’s common sense to look when you hear a honking car…
Nu Complex
Shall we get really weird? They have recently identified a possible third state of consciousness besides consciousness or unconsciousness, and they have also identified a brain signal that happens when the brain would otherwise appear to be “flat-lined.” Brain dead. They call this signal the nu complex. How these two relate… Let’s start with the…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…