Order and Flow
Perhaps we should get down to the magickal practice? The purpose of any magick working is not to literally cause change with our actions themselves. They seem to lack this power, and superficially this is true. Why we engage in any working of magick is to focus the mind. We become the things we do…
Knots in the World
Knots show up in symbolism much more often than you might think such a simple image would. They even show up in our turns of speech, phrases, like I have a knot in my stomach, or this problem is all snarled up, or traffic is. Knots occur in the world around us and we observe…
Denial Dysfunction
It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept. Bill Watterson Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: Denial is misunderstood. We think of it as if people actively and voluntarily resist truths that are otherwise readily available to them for understanding. This isn’t how reality or the human mind works, or can even work.…
The reality that everyone needs, is the reality they came equipped with to start. So to speak to the encounters with opinionated people, some people are so afraid, so lost inside themselves that they try to make a castle of the dung heap that is reality as we are all “encouraged” to embrace it. They…
Experience of Genuine Love
Anyone care to share a situation that seems to drain meaning from life? It doesn’t have to be from personal experience or anything. Well, sometimes the people around me seem very “opinionated.” Having new comers to class that just want to argue. Turning away from true love to raise my family. I will speak to…
Rejected Imaginations
We imagine that a strange animal might be a monster, because on a deeply implicate level, this animal might indeed be a predator. We imagine we might be watched by ghosts, because on an equally implicate level, we recognize that our ancestors do have feelings about what we do and say. We inherit our sense…
Space Between Experience and Self
How often do we have the experience of being absent minded when we are just sitting? While just sitting, we forget who we are? Or where we are? Daydreaming. And what do daydreams consist of? Experience? Memories, imagination, images. Are they directed by the patterns of our experience? Show any real relation to our sense or…
Ourselves and Our Experience
How can we tell the difference between ourselves and our experiences? If a dog bites you, and you really hate the experience, are you a dog hater? Are we not a sum of our experiences? I offer that we are not the sum of our experiences. We are much greater than that. You will naturally…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…