Defining Yourself
There is a difference between our experience of any event and our awareness of ourselves as individuals, a space between what we perceive to be happening and what we perceive it to mean. But as we go about our daily lives, we can become so well rehearsed in our experiences that we stop really seeing…
Getting to Know You
Psychic morphism is a fact. It will not stop and neither should it stop, but the psychotic schism that contemporary thought is based on, these models of “real life” and “the real world”, those need to be put aside. We may be able to revisit elements of our insight now, at a latter date, and…
Life First
I’ve read stories of British explorers back in the 1800s. They would ignore the local ways as barbaric and try to use their own technology in the foreign land. It was insane and disastrous. It’s amazing how blind we can be. Yes, degenerating to behaviour much worse than the local cultures even fantasize about. The…
Betterment of Our World
All of this doesn’t mean we aren’t meant to think or create things. We most certainly are meant to do both, and even seek to grow in our understanding and imaginings as well. But rather than create for “humans”… We have no actual idea what they want. Even our scientists are observing that. This is…
Set the Pace
So how would we set the pace? Reestablish healthy rhythms? We’ll have to become more aware of our real needs — as living organisms in a holistic sense and not separated from the worlds around us. The Greeks had not one concept of time originally, but two. They had chronos, the literal time, and another,…
Driving Force Behind Human Activity
If psychic morphism weren’t the primary driving force behind human activity, then why have our tools and technology changed so much over the extent of human history? And they have a very great deal. Many of the most archaic tools would still be just as usable today as they once were, but we still change…
Imprint of Our Psyche
Today’s topic is psychic morphism, also related to the concept of psychomorphism, which is the tendency to ascribe human-like thinking to animals and objects, like when we joke that some household appliance is out to get us, and things like that. Evil coffee maker. Yes, I have a cease fire with the coffee maker. I…
Magick Circles in Life
You don’t have to learn elaborate rituals to use or understand the role of the magick circle in your life. You can find them readily enough in your daily activities, in the routes you take through your community as you go about your daily affairs, in your pattern of sleeping, really any cycle you care…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…