Clearing Your Head
I am convinced emotion is a big part of memory. It’s been proven, to the point of a phenomenon called flashbulb memory. When you are in pain or afraid, your amygdale underscores every element of that event. Then will replay it involuntarily the next time anything even remotely resembles that. So forgiveness is clearing your…
Feel The Heart
How do you feel the heart? When you are in your community, the events around you happen all of themselves. Everyone sees everyone else. Everyone is aware to some degree of everything that is going on in their environment. You don’t have to choose this. You can embrace this rather than try to shut it…
See What Is Right
Identifying something as wrong… Has that ever done anything useful for you, friends? Served a constructive purpose? Is that like me saying I wish I had done this or that? Yes. Does that make you function better? Einstein had an insight that applies to this, and it has been said in many ways by many…
Purpose of Forgiveness
What is the purpose of forgiveness, friends? To let something go, not to continue to live it. I have an awkward history with forgiveness. I was not forgiven for not forgiving. It is releasing the hold that person’s words or actions had on you. I think letting go is a good meaning for me. And…
Holographic Universe
Does red exist to someone who is colorblind? Parts of red exist, and a color blind individual who is also a synesthete would feel red and hear red. They wouldn’t have to see red. Sort of like the “facial” vision they have through a variety of sectors, it’s not as detailed as “normal” vision, but…
Attracting Truth
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein. Einstein would have made a great magician if he were not a scientist, but the two disciplines are not of necessity separate and are growing less and less so over time, again Law of Sympathy. Those…
Sympathetic Links
Two things that are coloured red have a very real shared quality. In a literal scientific sense, they both have physical traits that makes them reflect the red color from the light spectrum. Metaphysically, it’s basically the same with the Law of Sympathy. If two things seem to have common traits, it’s because they share…
Way Of Sympathy
You could say that the way of sympathy is just a philosophical precept, but it has been shown to have a psychological basis, even in those who profess no actual superstitious beliefs. The Law of Sympathy is that things that appear to have something in common, actually have something in common. It’s actually pretty simple,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…