Failing Strategy
Are each of the worlds religions unique in their practices? No, not unique. They are distinct, but not unique. A bit different, but all fall within a set of entirely human behaviours. All are a bit different in their ways, Islam, Christianity. Different forms. Oh, yes. They make a big fuss about forms, but are…
Strategy For Living
The topic of strategy might seem confusing. You might ask yourself, “What does strategy have to do with spirituality?” This would reflect the common thinking on the general class of topics we lump together as spirituality. We all have intentions, good or bad, wise or unwise. Your daily life is either shaped by your own…
Living Purpose
I will feel like I served my purpose if you, my friends, can share your own. You don’t have to have it down to a formula. If anything, you will have more of the truth if it isn’t a formula. Life doesn’t work by formulas. Words aren’t my purpose, but building is. Thank you. Words…
Purpose Is Home
With purpose being in ourselves, why do people keep looking “beyond” for purpose? They aren’t looking beyond for purpose. They all, at least subconsciously, know this won’t work. They are looking beyond for permission. It’s better to make a mistake and correct it than ask permission. Let’s look at the “invisible” side of purpose, unspoken…
Dark Purpose
Dark purpose. Many people think that maybe they might have one. Most people are actually deluded. I will define it, but first the big picture. Most people (and most living things in general) have a life centered purpose, and this is best served if they can live together and in peace. Sharing between each other…
Collective Purpose
It’s said there are only six degrees of separation between any two people. Even if this isn’t literally true, it raises a point. Reality is a vast web of relationships, but we don’t all relate to everything the same. We aren’t supposed to. It is not our purpose. Some things we are connected to in…
You Are Purpose
Purpose is not role. Purpose cannot be exclusively defined by individuals, but must of necessity include the individual, and purpose for the most part is not well established by traditional views at all, with some exceptions. Your purpose is not defined by yourself exclusively, but it does include your thoughts and feelings, and purpose is…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…