Our Purpose
The way of true love can be harsh. I think this is where we should go to further the discussion on purpose. The lover is the defender, the nurturer. One cannot love and leave be, nor can one love and objectify. To love is to be alive and embrace your connections naturally, rather than living…
Remove Secrecy
With respect to this topic of “purpose”, would it not be beneficial to define what it is that everyone wants? I put forth that there are common needs. I would second that notion, and it’s not possible for everyone to want different things. Not literally, because we all live in the same world. I would…
Sharing Personal Information
How well does society understand purpose? I think society has a narrow view of purpose. I agree. It sets its societal purpose according to economic need and security. Does their model allow these things, in fact? The international milieu, rather than selected cultures. There may be exceptions. Some are more effective and successful. On the…
Paths In Invocation
As you invoke the spirits, you accomplish two things. You learn from them, and thereby claim some of their wisdom as your own. You can use it even without calling for their help, and the same thing that applies to people applies to spirits. You rise or fall to the level of the company you keep.…
Practice Of Invocation
On to why you might practice invocation. There are two basic reasons. One is that when the spirit responds it shares its perception with you. Allows you insight you wouldn’t otherwise be privy to. For a period of time, you see as the spirit does. The other reason is that if it’s called for, you…
Call For Communion
Does anyone know, what is invocation? A call. It is that, but there is more. Anyone ever hear the term conjuration? It was originally a term describing an oath and then became used to describe what would amount to a court subpoena. It was a call to appear. The reason I point this out is because…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…