Peaceful Thought
I wonder if insane is the opposite to peace? Yes, ultimately insane is the opposite of peace. Though we call much that is insane, sane. Much that is unreal, real. The insanity is pretty deeply rooted. Should we embrace insanity when we have established that it is what we reject that makes us weak? Strange,…
Strength is a Virtue
Is it some peoples nature to control? To a degree yes. It is visible in animals also, the “alphas”. But human alphas tend to distort and thus debase that instinct. They take natural instincts and warp them and make them about ego. The lion that “takes” a mate is not being egotistical, but he is…
Life Itself
If you are denying some aspect of yourself and behaving for a reason that has no root in your heart, are you burned out yet? Tired yet? Self denial isn’t peace. Self conflict isn’t sanity. Sometimes we must compromise to survive? Ah, and even compromise can be internally motivated. You can desire to accommodate another.…
Peace is Like Gravity
I have had trouble with peace in the world. My big problem was that my nature was rejected. I was told that I was weird, scary, strange, evil. We have to find peace in ourselves first, but I fought. I could see why they said what they said, and I fought like hell. Time reveals…
Human ‘Being’
Finding peace is a universal search and would seem simple right? Just don’t make drama, and don’t get involved in drama? This is how many people seem to think, and to my experience those notions are very far from the truth. We seek peace, and many think they can find it by “unplugging”, shutting down,…
Presence in Expression
Why do we want to label our existence? The only truth at this moment is ‘I can’t say I am not. I AM that I am.’ To refuse labels is to label labels. Active opposition is service to the force you deride. Every moment is a new observation. In any moment a new insight can…
Beings Cloaked in Illusion
To date, even in modern parapsychology, much of the old understanding of angelic powers is gone. There are still reported encounters or sightings of unknown beings that behave much like the “angels” of old. Though without any seeming divine agenda nor a malicious one. The Mothman might be the most readily apparent and the dialogue…
Angels and Demons
Angels and demons are all the same, and humans just started dividing them all up with concepts of good and bad? Originally they were the powers that governed all aspects of life, literally all, even Nasragiel the keeper of the gate to hell. And it was heavily debated even in early Christianity what ones conduct…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…