How do you Project?
Projection is quite natural, and by projection I mean projection of your state of mind. Ever notice when you are actively engaging someone in conversation you tend to imitate their body language without thinking about it? In the case of a community some of those states are viral. You can tell when someone is “not…
Impact of Projection
Projection and how it impacts our lives. It isn’t as simple as pop psychology would have people see it, and it gets flung around too casually. It winds up being like the pot calling the kettle black, and few heed the old aphorism; Remove the timber in your own eye before trying to remove the…
Questioning Minds
We have questioning minds because we have roving eyes. Does each lead or follow at different times? Does mind exist only in the wads of meat in our skulls? I would argue the mind doesn’t follow the eye and this can be backed up in science. The eye follows the mind. Native tribes exposed to new things…
Does Matter Matter?
What matters is what you did and what you learned, not what you had. Now what you have can influence what you are able to do, so that seems a good guideline for getting. So matter matters to the degree it is energy. If you go rescue a friend or loved one from being stranded…
Hell on Earth
The spiritual insights of the Norse religion can be summarized as a collection of intuitive metaphors called “kennings”, and we still use the word. They governed community meetings, called “things.” This is how their communities were governed, and skalds kept the remembrance of the kennings as well as the decisions and events that occurred in…
Norse Beliefs
The Norse saw there was not one world, but nine. Perhaps corresponding to the chakras of eastern mysticism, and these nine worlds rested on Yggdrasil the world tree not unlike the Jewish tree of life. Modern physics also have a theory of ten dimensions, but seen from our point of view it might seem like nine.…
Norse Mythology
Norse religion still affects much of our culture today. Our fondness for feast holidays originates with them, as does the name of many of our days of the week. Their imagery has much in common with Indo-European religion, and is a variant of shamanism in many ways it’s practiced. It was primarily a clan based…
Life in a Crystal
Many say I’m too divisive. Divisive is “to act as an agent of division” loosely defined. I don’t speak of the ‘oneness’ enough. That I make people think in bad ways simply put. I just report what I know. Nothing else. If you deny the wall is there and you walk into it will it go away?…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…