Category: Relating

Power of Story


The power of stories. They are very powerful because no matter the imagery found in any one person’s world window, there is an analogue for something in the world. This is part of why people so willingly believe what they are told. It does create a reasonable facsimile of life.

If you start engaging someone in storytelling collaboratively, telling them your story, you will send the right signals to activate the characters in their story. Then you can corrupt those characters, so to speak. Introduce new ideas and behaviors relating to that specific thing. This leads to what people call realization, and we all want to be realized. We are seeking self-realization and the experience of being realized by another.

I’m going to corrupt your characters. Mine are non-static. I use them as an informational interface and update them all the time. In fact, this is the basis of divination and perhaps precognition in general.

How do the characters get corrupted? When foreign information is introduced into someone’s experience enough to cause fragmentation of their experience. Leave them with parts that don’t agree, and in order to feel comfortable again, the person will have to reconcile this contradiction. The stronger the story they were told, the more plausible the new information will be, and the more necessary it will be to adapt to the new information instead of just reject it.

Is this what manipulative people do? Actually, no. They focus on behaviors. They operate under the assumption that if it isn’t broken don’t fix it. If they leave your behaviors alone, they can just keep pushing the right buttons and you keep doing exactly what they want you to.

I’ll hide my buttons. You can’t hide your buttons because you can’t hide your behaviors. You will live and act on your buttons. You push your own buttons. You are an expert on your buttons. So your buttons stay what they are.

So the first stage is self-realization. The understanding that it’s not about this button or that button, but rather the whole keyboard and understanding the basis of choice.

How do you protect your buttons from other nosey pushers? By owning your keyboard. Realizing that you didn’t design the keyboard, but you can decide how it works and then bang on the keys. Bang your own drum.

And keep updating it? Yes, also personalize it. They call this reclaiming your personal power. Paint your own picture on it. Decide what it’s a keyboard for, and when you have made the decision about what your keyboard is to you, start playing it that way. You can listen to your environment, because the sounds you will be making will resonate with others. Some, but not all. You may hit the key and hear an echo of it in another person, and yet in the third person there will be no echo. But the next key you hit may resonate with that third person, and with continued play you may discover that the echoes are playing their own song. That there is something real there and you just weren’t seeing it.

The best story tellers know how to push the right buttons that resonate in you? Yes, and they know because they know their own story. They dramatize it so it plays out very clearly.

We’re all story tellers to everyone we know every day. Yes. Everyone tells a story. Not everyone has taken ownership of this or begun consciously editing their story.

I think that’s why good authors tend to be older. Knowing your buttons doesn’t happen overnight. It does tend to become more likely given time, though some never get there even then.

It’s a lifelong goal. It’s a life by itself.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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