Category: Gnosis

Reality Behind It All


You find yourself outside of your social system quite regularly, out of your element. Why is it that you supposedly can’t create there? Express yourself there?

Fear of mean people.

How does it come to be that you somehow can’t live there? How would it be dangerous to live in any and all places you find yourself to be?

The safest thing to do, actually. For the time being.

You can, hence the idea of making your own family. It’s just that divorce from the familiar is painful so we hesitate.

Walk into your neighbour’s house, “I live here now.” Yes you do, and for that limited time they actually want you to with everything that involves, including the conditions and reality that existed there before you entered that home

Fish and visitors, after three days they both smell. Actually, they both smell because we are forever insisting on remaining out of context. There was a circumstance that lead you to enter that place and the same circumstance may lead you out of that same place. Honestly, how often are you the one who actually created that circumstance? How often are you the actual cause of your visit to that home?

I ponder the importance of discernment in the “leading” — into or out of ANY place. Discernment is context sensitivity.

“Know thyself” — deeper and deeper.

Usually are invited…though my uncle and aunt had a bad habit of just stopping by whenever they felt like it.

Coherence, continuity, the invitation itself occurred for a reason often outside of anything having to do with the immediate circumstance that lead to your invite. People convince themselves that they do things because they like you, that they do things “just because” for personal reasons. Why do they believe this?

It makes them feel good about themselves.

They don’t want to rock the boat of the worlds they’ve made?

Even science supports this context driven basis for brain function. Nothing in the brain seems to occur “just because.” This is how they can perform tricks like cognitive priming. It’s all about associations, systems, connections. People don’t make worlds. They only believe they do. They have the potential to be genuine creators, but they ignore the actual medium, fail to acknowledge and coordinate the actual talents, abilities or faculties. It’s because they put the cart before the horse. All your plans are couched in a context of “yes but…” Can you plan anything without the “yes but” preamble?

I wonder if such coordination is possible. It is indeed possible, but just like coordinating your flesh and blood limbs it first requires sensitivity, and that sensitivity is always to begin with frightening, even painful. Those parts of ourselves have been starved of attention (which is energy) for a very long time. I promise your awakening will indeed hurt. The catharsis some achieve in near death experiences is only the tip of the ice burg, and they swear that experience is life changing but all it does is broaden the margins a bit. They haven’t even begun to understand the reality behind it all.

Is this gnosis? Yes.

This reality manifests in a awkward way in our technology. All of it. It’s only become slightly less awkward in information technology, but we are beginning to sense the first echoes of ideal/conceptual/spiritual/energy/information reality. These are all the same thing. This is why the internet seems to be one of the worlds most powerful forces right now. Why so many governments and society at large is so uncomfortable with it, because the power was not planned, is not owned, was not deliberately planned let along consciously conceived.

So cyber gnosis is awakening through technology? Like that Johnny Depp film Transcendence?

They are learning to manipulate the web now, though. They are, and they will discover even deeper realities behind what they are trying to manipulate. “Big information” is what they are calling it now, but it will outstrip their utilitarian efforts to define it.

Anyone who puts ‘big’ in front of something they don’t like tends to sound like a kook.

With the laws of physics they are entirely determined to access in advancing computing technology, the manifestation of conceptual reality will be even less within the realm of their control despite its ease of access, and it will indeed be easy to access. It always has been, just a different path being used is all.

I ponder “Big Pharma.” Actually, big information is their term. They like it. They describe it that way because the volume of information has gotten to the point that it requires dedicated infrastructure, whole systems dedicated only to processing and navigating it. This is part of why things like cloud computing are emerging as such a necessity. Cloud computing sound at all like the astral plane? And with the growing dominance of WiFi networking, broadcast interaction, even to the point of plans to extend it to lunar orbit and even beyond that to Mars, how is this going to remain a closed and controlled system? Especially when for every system there is an exploit?

It’s an arms race. In a sense. It could also be seen as an evolutionary push. Beyond the strictly technological definition they used to define evolution itself as an arms race also, until contrary evidence undermined that model.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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