Category: Gnosis

‘As within so without.’ Knowledge of self is knowledge of the spiritual/divine. We manifest not merely ourselves. We express the principle that manifested us into the world. Life shows an orientation toward purpose. This force can be known and we can make decisions in that context.

Gnosis is knowing this place we have in the originating principle. In that it recognizes a pre-existing dynamic that not only plays out around us, but in us. It is symbolized by a river, a constant flow.

“The true Gnostic understands that there is a difference between religious activity and spiritual truth.” David Tresemer

  • As Within So Without

    As Within So Without

    Gnosis is the concept “as within so without”. Also connected with the concept “as above so below”. That knowledge of self is knowledge of the principle that originated you. It is connected to astrology. Astrology could be considered a Gnostic tool. Hermetic philosophy is primarily Gnostic in its premises and the principle even emerges in…

  • Our Place in Existence

    Our Place in Existence

    Gnosis has many sources. It is one of those phenomenon like the preponderance of certain symbols that co-arose cross culturally. Like the presence of dragons in every world mythology. The intuition that “god” is somehow indwelling the human soul has been expressed in many ways across all world cultures. The “gods” can be real even…

  • Divination & Positive Thinking

    Divination & Positive Thinking

    Divination is not foolishness. It’s just encoded intuitions about life. You get from divination the wisdom you bring to it. It is not a pointless exercise because the gnosis is there. When the student is ready the master appears. When you have the ears to hear and the eyes to see then divination works. When…

  • God Is Right Here

    God Is Right Here

    To thine own self be true is not advice to be a libertine. There is only one Tao, but the tao is infinite in its manifestations. Am I religious? I don’t look for God. God is right here. I am knowingly religious in that I do use techniques to explore myself and my relationship to…

  • Life Facets

    Life Facets

    Does life seem single faceted? Sometimes, yes. Not mine. No. If it is not singular in it’s face, then how many faces does it have? If it has more than one face, how do we know which one is real? I’d say the faces are infinite and the one that is real is the one…

  • Greater Reality in Energy

    Greater Reality in Energy

    Honestly, I have a very important question for materialistic scientists. If determinism is universal, then how is scientific understanding valid? Nothing in nature led us to believe in cars or air planes, nothing concrete in our nature or behaviours, no structure in our deterministic brains would have allowed this behaviour to ever have been expressed.…

  • You Are The Dream

    You Are The Dream

    The reality we witness in the digital world is an accelerated reflection of the processes that precede human emotion, that occur before human ideation and imagination. Every bit of information you perceive in the internet, before you ever make a decision to do anything with it, before you are even aware that you remember it,…

  • Out of Sync

    Out of Sync

    In what do you move? In what do you think? What is the difference? There are well respected neuroscientists who are now saying that the brain has only one purpose, to let you move. Nothing else, just to structure movement. That’s probably all they understand of the brain at this point. What is the difference…

  • Reality Behind It All

    Reality Behind It All

    You find yourself outside of your social system quite regularly, out of your element. Why is it that you supposedly can’t create there? Express yourself there? Fear of mean people. How does it come to be that you somehow can’t live there? How would it be dangerous to live in any and all places you…

  • Updating Nature

    Updating Nature

    What’s the “bottom line” — or is there one? It’s a safe bet to put your money on money. Those with the most money will win. Actually, those with the best grasp of information trends will win. It will be survival of the most predictive. Could be those who hold on tightest to their dreams…