Category: Joy

Life does its best to show you how to live it, but people most often are too busy doing other things. Joy is not the pursuit of happiness. It’s the recognition of love. If you pursue happiness, you will not know joy. Joy isn’t something you can have. It’s something that you live.

You experience joy to the degree that you are on the path of your heart. The person who experiences joy is at home no matter what they are doing or where they are at. It’s never farther away than this moment. It’s never farther away then stopping for just a moment and remembering to breath.

“Joy is not in things; it is in us” Richard Wagner (German dramatic Composer and theorist, 1813-1883)

“Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” Joseph Campbell (American prolific Author, Editor, Philosopher and Teacher, 1904-1987)

  • Experience Of Joy

    Experience Of Joy

    What is joy? What is sorrow? These two things seem to mark all meaningful moments in our lives. All the most meaningful that is. How often do we experience joy? Daily to some degree. The same with sorrow. My moods swing a lot in a day. Maybe once a week, or a couple times. Every…

  • Path Of Your Heart

    Path Of Your Heart

    Joy. How many “Joy of” books have been printed? It’s become old hat, and there have been more than a few “Joy of” titled TV shows. As silly as it sounds, it’s actually not silly. You experience joy to the degree that you are on the path of your heart. Not the path of some…

  • Recognition Of Love

    Recognition Of Love

    Has anyone made figured out their life yet? What is that? To figure out the life? This is a good question. To believe you understand everything about your life and the world you live it in. I think some people have. What is that like? Sounds boring and predictable. Also stressful and delusional. There is…

  • Pleasure At Being Alive

    Pleasure At Being Alive

    Pleasure at being alive. What is that like? Anyone want to share? Calm. Open. Balance. Peace, security. Excellent. I have envied these things. I did for a very long time. Anything else? A feeling that everything is right in the world at that moment. That there is nothing to fear. Freedom. Wonderful. I see all…

  • Joy In Action

    Joy In Action

    One of my friends wrote a poem called “Worrying Works” about how the things he worries about never happen. Worrying does work. The things you wish for never happen either. The imagination has lost its intuitive clarity in most people. Why is that? Because everyone expects you to have facts to back everything up? Facts.…

  • Joy Of Sex

    Joy Of Sex

    I stopped jumping rope when I started growing into a busty woman. It’s hard to find a strong enough sports bra for skipping. Puberty took a lot of joy from being a kid away. How you and your parents and peers reacted to puberty did that, not puberty itself. Yes. My folks were really negative…

  • Embrace Objective Life

    Embrace Objective Life

    When you asked what thing we do despite social pressure, I was thinking, “Looking at/flirting with girls.” Yes. If you must start somewhere, start with the most readily available to experience. That isn’t shameful. It’s wise. People forget that they can flirt with their partners. Why is that? The idea that they can have joy.…