Category: Dream Encoding

Any meaning something seems to have for you, those first impressions you get on meeting anyone new, these are the dream picture you carry in your subconscious mind being projected out into the world. The reason you can dream, of such strange things and situations, is you aren’t consciously aware of what your mind finds attention getting. Your mind doesn’t only react to what you yourself invest meaning in. Your mind also reacts to things that other people have emotional weight invested in.

The first step to dream shaping is simply recognizing the subconscious or intuitive weight things around you have for you. When you change something, or someone’s behaviour changed something in you, inconsistencies trigger a brief moment for something new to reach your subconscious mind. Dream shaping is the deliberate triggering and conscious use of this.

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  • The World as You Experience It

    The World as You Experience It

    As you go about your waking day, your mind is immersed in a constant sensory register, and your subconscious doesn’t distinguish between information it gets from your outwardly directed senses, and your internal sense of your physical and emotion well being and state of mind. While you go about your day, the world as you…

  • Dream Picture

    Dream Picture

    Though you do not consciously perceive the associations your dreaming mind uses to make sense of your world, they are still present and active while you are awake. You encounter them in the experience that is sometimes called projection. Any meaning something seems to have for you, those first impressions you get on meeting anyone…

  • People’s Dreaming World

    People’s Dreaming World

    Shall I describe most peoples dreaming world? The people in those dreams are generally very bland, and always doing something very important, seemingly anxious though it’s always hard to determine or understand the cause. The places in those dreams are always overblown, too full of objects and noise, and the emotional reactions always wind up…

  • Dream Light

    Dream Light

    Shall we go into dream shaping? Actually, dream lighting. Let’s do that first. Dream light is psychic energy. The more vivid a dream seems, the more of your personal psychic energy is invested in that part of your mind, and you don’t have much control of how this energy is distributed. The conscious use of…

  • Dream Shaping

    Dream Shaping

    How many people here care about ketchup bottles? Not especially. No. Intensely. Have you ever had an odd moment when, though you don’t normally care, the presence or absence of a ketchup bottle registered on your awareness and mood more so than usual? Sure. That was a dream event. The ketchup bottle mattering in that…

  • Dreaming Life

    Dreaming Life

    Do you feel you need a reason to make your own dreams? I can offer one. The mind has a sort of immune system. The reaction is called cognitive dissonance and is also why your dreaming mind resists change so much. Now mostly, your dreaming mind is on the side of society at large, corporations…