Reality Is Role Play
Role playing in your metaphysical practice. What are you skilled at? Anyone want to offer something? I am good at solving puzzles. Art. Organization. Art, music, dance, literature, language, telepathy, and the disciplines required in each. You have your skills despite the fact that the world is so complex we cannot account for every factor…
Seamless Reality
You can only do what you can imagine you can do. It’s impossible to do anything without imagining it, and our children imagine conflict and even horror. They grow up to be able to enact horrors. The more you imagine, and the more terms you have to imagine, or “make images” of anything, the more…
Magic In Second Life
At the virtual world Second Life sim I role play in, so far now, three Hawaiians, two Native Americans, all practitioners healers in real life doing the same in Second Life. Something is seen in just what you say, and the role play in Second Life can be an awesome stage. Yes. Music has a…
Spirit of Role Play
I think some Role Play communities provide a framework that allow people to get what they need from it. Ideally, they should. That is the spirit of role playing and role playing games. Those that don’t allow that quickly die out. Role playing is an example of intention coupled with desire. The assumed purpose of…