Category: Strategy

Strategy For Living


The topic of strategy might seem confusing. You might ask yourself, “What does strategy have to do with spirituality?” This would reflect the common thinking on the general class of topics we lump together as spirituality.

We all have intentions, good or bad, wise or unwise. Your daily life is either shaped by your own intentions or reacting to the intentions of others. Very often the later, and every path that exists in this life arises for a reason. People aren’t really capable of random thought.

Your “religion” is synonymous with your habitual action. You hear people say “I am not religious”. Yet most people who say that hold down a job. Most people who declare they are not religious are very much creatures of habit, but are these habits really chosen by the person?

Some are, others we fall into. Some are, and even those habits that were chosen are often only half considered. How do you perceive your life to be? I will offer that your perception of life is a reflection of your habits, and your habits only. But are our habits productive? Do they really serve the individual or even a wider cause?

Depends what we are after? Does it really? How many people are satisfied with their lives, or to make it more spiritually relevant … How many people have full confidence in their spiritual life? I am not invalidating higher truths today. We have any idea of right or wrong because we can make observations that are true about life, but then are we not left with the question, “Now what?”

Even if we feel very confident in what we understand to be right, doesn’t that leave us to figure out how we will support that and manifest it more in our lives? How many people have figured this out? The number of enduring religions in the world is a short list. Really for the entire history of humanity, we have found very few ways to understand the world that have had any lasting power.

Some people argue the relativity of truth. They say that all points are valid. Then why haven’t we had reams of religions? Why are there not now countless religions with comparable numbers of followers? Yes, violence and religious persecution explains that some, but is that the only reason or even the biggest one?

We’re not really original thinkers? Well, yes and no. We are capable of being wildly creative, but for anything to be a “religion” it has to offer not just insights into life and reality in general, it has to offer a strategy for living. A plan that allows communities to work together and deal with this rather intimidating world. Can anyone name a religion that does not include plans for dealing with life?

Jehovah Witness. Oh, big plans. Hard core agenda there, and serious paranoia, but that is one of the reasons many religions have become twisted things. Fear. Fear of anything not already included in their understanding and culture. Soviet socialism failed largely because of its rejection of religion. It was short sighted and pointlessly idealistic.

This is the reason people seek out a religion come to think of it. To find a reason/strategy to make life meaningful to them. However, not everyone examines it closely to make sure that religions strategy fits them. The just go along with it, and then wonder why their religion fails them. Or just blame themselves for their religions failure to give them peace. Which is even worse because it’s de-motivating.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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