Tag: animals

  • Different Patterns of Connection to Animals

    Different Patterns of Connection to Animals

    To get down to the practical point of tonight’s topic of Animal Paths… Though we all contain the potential for any animal consciousness, like our neurons wiring together in different ways, we have a different pattern of connection to other animals. Some are stronger than others. I once had a dream that I was walking…

  • Meta-Animals


    Are you familiar with elementals? Elementals are units of being that “incarnate” in the base forms of matter, the states of matter. Information patterns that give rise to the potential for more complex beings, like humans, but really not clearly separate from humans. Earth, air, fire, water? Yes, or solid, gas, liquid, and plasma, if…

  • Wild Animals in Cages

    Wild Animals in Cages

    Why aren’t we all brilliant scientists or great composers of symphonies? Why are some folks homeless and out of work while others are thriving? Our pressures are no longer for survival, now they are social. Yes, cultural, but our organic bodies are still only equipped to handle the natural environment, so we behave like wild…

  • Borrow the Gifts of the Animals

    Borrow the Gifts of the Animals

    Just as animals can learn to imitate us, we can reawaken the parts of our own song that harmonize with their own. We can in a sense borrow the gifts of the animals. We are of course off key, and nowhere near as strong as the original species, but this can still be very useful.…